Crime Fiction IV: A Comprehensive Bibliography 1749-2000
by Allen J. Hubin

Addenda to the 2015 Revised Edition.

      If you are a first time visitor, you are encouraged to read the introduction to this Addenda before continuing further.  Otherwise, welcome back, and please stop by often.  Thanks to the assistance of Steve Lewis, who is maintaining this website, new information is constantly being added.  Your suggestions and comments are always welcome.  My email address can be found at the bottom of this page.   [AJH] 

     The 2015 Revised Edition of Crime Fiction IV is now available on CD-Rom.  The price remains the same as for previous editions, $49.95, and can be ordered from Bill Contento through the Locus Magazine website. Unfortunately this will be the last CD-Rom edition of Crime Fiction IV.  All future changes and additions will be listed only on this website through a continuing series of addendas.

     These addendas have been appearing on this website for the past 10 years, but since all of that information is now included in the 2015 Revised Edition, it will no longer be directly accessible from this starting page.  Below is Part 1 of these new addendas. Links will be added for Parts 2 and on as they are created.

      To SEARCH for a specific author, title or phrase anywhere in the various parts of this Addenda, there two ways to most effectively use Google: (1)  Do a normal search on Google but add crimefictioniv (or as one of the words sought.  If searching for an author’s name, it is suggested that you do not use quotes.  (2) Go to the 就爱加速安卓版 and procede as directed, but be sure to include in the box provided for the domain to be searched.


Part 2    November 2015
Part 3    December 2015
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13   February 2018
Part 14   May 2018
Part 15   July 2018
Part 16   September 2018
Part 17   November 2018
Part 18   January 2024
Part 19   March 2024
Part 20   June 2024
Part 21    October 2024
Part 22    December 2024
Part 23    March 2024
92加速安卓版   May 2024
Part 25    July 2024


        PART 1:                                                                                    
Most of these entries represent new information, and such entries contain additional information to provide some bibliographic context. Those entries below that are also included in the CD-ROM do not generally provide the context information. I thank John Herrington in England, as a great deal of the new information has been provided through his industrious and ingenious researches.
ADAMS, MARYE. Marie B(rooke) Goodner, 1913-1966. (Adding corrected dates for the real name of the author of “He Wouldn’t Talk” in CFIV; biographical detail is under Goodner, q.v..)

ADDUCI, FRANK J., JR. 1942-    . (Adding birth year for author of “Ten Times Dynamite” in CFIV under the house name Nick Carter.)

AGNEW, JACK. Eric V(ictor) Beer, 1927-2009. (Adding dates for the author of the novel “An Expensive Game” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

AINSWORTH-DAVIES, JOHN CHRISTOPHER. 1924-2013. (Adding dates for the author who, under his pseudonym Christopher Creighton, co-authored “The Krushchev Objective” with Noel Hynd, in CFIV.)

ALLAN, AARON A. (Adding first name for the author of “Monkey Wrench” in CFIV under the pseudonym Harland W. Carson.)

ALLEN, JOHN. 1922-1994. Pseudonym: Paul Geddes, q.v.

ANDREANO, MICHAEL (A.). 1927-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of “I Want Mine,” a 1999 novel in CFIV.)

ANONYMOUS. (Adding a title not in CFIV.)
    The Life of an Expert Glasgow Pickpocket. Scott, 1868 [Glasgow]

ARMER, ALAN (ARTHUR). Walter E(liott) Grauman, 1922-2015. (Adding Grauman death date for co-authors of a 1955 collection of television plays.)

ARMSTRONG, [CAPTAIN] F(RANCIS) CLAUDIUS.  Served in the Sardinian Navy; prolific author of naval adventure stories; other sources indicate he was born in Ireland in 1802.
    The Warhawk. Newby, 1855 (Correcting publisher and date.)

ARRIGIO, FRANK. Since no person of this name can be traced, could this have been Frank Arrigo, 1917-1977, a Hollywood director? (Adding a possibility for the author of “Mobster,” a 1975 novel in CFIV.)

ARRIGO, FRANK. 1917-1977. See: Frank Arrigio.
ASHBAUGH, NANCY (GOULD). 1916-2007. Born in New York and died in Las Vegas; novelist; English professor at University of Nevada Las Vegas. (Deleting the unreliable CA reference, correcting the birth date, and adding the death year and biographical detail for the author of “Turn Left or Be Killed” in CFIV.)

ASHBROOK, HARRIETTE. Also a journalist, and worked in publishing in New York for some years. (Adding further biographical details for the author of seven novels in CFIV.)

ASHCROFT, GENE. 1902(?)-1948(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “The Black Vulture,” a 1941 novel in CFIV.)

ASHMAN, PETER G. 1952-2013. Born in Amarillo, Texas, and died in California; a district court judge in Alaska; a member of the Baker Street Irregulars. (Correcting the dates and adding biographical detail for the author of “The Problem of the Salty Doggery,” a 1973 pamphlet in CFIV under his pseudonym Sebastian Moray.)

ASHTON-JONES, ADRIAN. 1935-    . Adding the birth year for the author of two 1990s novels in CFIV.)

    The Grip of Sin.  (Deleting the dash.) [England]

ASKEY, DEREK C.  A veterinarian in Canada. (Adding biographical detail for the author of two 1970s novels in CFIV.)

ASPINWALL, MARGUERITE. Add: ...but buried in Nyack, New York.

AUMONIER, STACY (JAMES). Born in London; died of tuberculosis at a clinic in Switzerland; landscape painter, stage writer and performer, novelist and prolific short story writer. (Adding biographical details for the author of several story collections in CFIV.)

    The Man from Avon. Also published as: A Rep for Murder, as by Sylvester Avantiere. Avon, 1991
AVANTIERE, SYLVESTER. Pseudonym of Michael (Angelo) Avallone (Jr.), q.v.

AVERELL, CLARA ROSE. 1881-1944. Born in Brooklyn; married Stephen Clarke Averell in 1905, and died in Kings, New York. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of the 1927 play “The Ghost’s Return” in CFIV.)

B. and R. This, for “Helen Elwood, the Female Detective; or, A Celebrated Forger’s Fate,” was probably the pseudonym of Walter Besant, 1836-1901, and James (Samuel) Rice, 1843-1882, both in CFIV for titles under their own names and jointly.

B., W. A. Pseudonym of William Arthur Boord, 1862-1925. (Correcting the real name and adding dates for the author of the 1898 collection “The ‘Man-Stories’ of a Black Snake” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BACHMANN, DIANA MARY. 1950-    . (Adding the birth year for the co-author, with Christopher Nicole, of several titles in CFIV under the pseudonym Max Marlow.)

BACON, DONALD [DONALD KAY BACON, JR].. 1936-2013. Born in Minnesota; buried at sea. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of the title below, along with modification of that listing.)
    -The Midnight Hour. (Adding the dash.) [NYC]

BADGETT, LLOYD W. 1908-1975. Born and died in Missouri. (Adding the dates and biographical details for the author of “The Mystery of the Colored Circles” in CFIV.)

BADGLEY, ANNE V(ERRIEST). 1925-2014. Born in Hanover, New Hampshire; graduate of McGill University in Montreal; earned an M.A. in art history at University of Maryland; died in Norwich, Vermont. (Adding the death year and biographical details for the author of “The Rembrandt Decisions,” a 1979 novel in CFIV.)

BAILEY, WILLIAM A(LTON). 1920(?)-1991(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “The Power” in CFIV, along with a setting for that novel.)
    The Power. [ship]

BAKER, RICHARD (MERRIAM). Add: died in Montclair, New Jersey.

BALLARD, K. G. Holly Roth, 1915-1964. (Correcting the birth date.)

BANKOFF, GEORGE. 1902-1996. Note: He claimed his birth name was Milkomane, but no evidence found to support this; also his birth year varies from 1900-1903 in prominent sources. (Changing the birth date and adding biographical detail for the author of numerous titles under several pseudonyms in CFIV.)

BANKS, LYNNE REID. Birth in 1929 registered as Belinda G. R. Banks; best-selling author for children and adults, with over 40 to her credit; an actress in the 1950s, later one of the first women TV reporters for the BBC; married Chaim Stephenson in 1965; presently living in Dorset. (Adding biographical detail for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

BARBER, PEARCE BEATON. 1906-1984. Pseudonym: Allen Beaton, q.v. (Adding real name and dates for the author of “A Miser Is Murdered” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BARCELONE, GEORGES. Pseudonym of Francoise Rais. (Adding real name for the author of “Pass Word,” a 1951 translation in CFIV.)

BARKER, A(RTHUR) C(HARLES). 1898(?)-1961(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “Spunyarn”, a 1954 collection in CFIV.)
BARKER, RONALD (DE LA BERE). 1889-1965. Born in Christchurch, New Zealand, and died in Tanganyika; lived also in Australia and England; went to Tanganyika after WWI and was a hunter and safari organizer there.
    Homicide and the Owl, and other tales. (Author) (Tanzania), 1959 ss (criminous = *): The Bush Wireless \ The Fate of the Fury \ Green Girl \ *Homicide and the Owl \ The Lorry-Lion \ A Modern Miracle \ Prayer and a Python \ Two Doves and Two Elephants

BARKHUIZEN, JOHANNES GERHARDUS. 1929-2013. (Adding death year for author, as Laurie Davis, of “Where Vultures Reign” in CFIV.)

BARLING, MURIEL VERE MANT. Note: married to Bernard J. Hyde in 1933 before marrying Charles S. Barling in 1948. (Adding biographical details for the author of numerous novels in CFIV under the pseudonyms Charles Barling and Pamela Barrington.)

BARNABY, PETER. Had 20 years experience as a policeman. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “The Long Deadly Summer” in CFIV.)

BARNS, T(HOMAS) ALEXANDER. Born in Bletchingly, Surrey, England; died in Chicago; explorer, big game hunter, lecturer; helped open up Central Africa to Europeans. (Adding biographical details for the author of “Tales of the Ivory Trade,” a 1923 collection of stories in CFIV.)

BARRETT, MARY ELLIN. 1926-    . (Correcting birth date for the author of “-Castle Ugly” in CFIV.)

BARRETT, SHEILA (McKEE). 1943-    . Raised in Dallas, Texas; living in Dublin, Ireland. (Adding birth year and biographical details for the author of “A View to Die For” in CFIV.)
BARRY, NORA. Diane Cleaver, 1942-1995. (Deleting question mark on birth year for author of “Sherbourne’s Folly” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BARTLETT, (RICHARD) NICHOLAS. 1933-2008. Born in Bromley, Kent, England; graduate of Oxford. (Adding first name, correcting birth year and adding biographical detail for the author of two novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Richard Wiseman.)

BARTLEY, ELIZABETH CECIL. 1911-1981. (Adding dates for the author of “Challenge of Evil” in CFIV under the pseudonym Susan Metcalf.)

BASS, MILTON R(ALPH). 1923-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of seven novels in CFIV.)

BATES, MARGARET HOLMES (ERNSPERGER). Pseudonym: Mrs. M. E. Holmes, q.v.

BATT, LEON(ARD SINGLETON). 1902-1947. Founded a publication, “Pertinent,” in Australia from which he retired ca.1946 due to ill health; died in Manly, New South Wales. (Adding death date and biographical details for the author of “Legionnaire and other stories” in CFIV.)

BATTYE, ROSALIE. 1939(?)-    . Probably the Rosalie Smith born 1939 in Upper Agbrigg, Yorkshire, England, who married Kenneth Battye in 1961. (Adding details about the author and the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    Guilty Verdict. (Intended for younger readers.)

BAX, CLIFFORD (LEA). (Adding middle name for the co-author, with Leon M. Lion, of the play “Hemlock for Eight” in CFIV.)
    Scheme and Variations. (Title correction.)

BAYLEY, JOHN (OLIVER). 1925-2015. Born in Lahore, Pakistan and died in Lanzarote, Spain; writer, literary critic and Wharton Professor of English at University of Oxford, 1974-1992. (Adding death date and biographical details for the author of “-The Red Hat” in CFIV.)

BAYLOR, D(ONN) B(YRNE). 1927-2004. Born in Indianapolis; died in Elmhurst, Illinois; had a career in radio; wrote many short stories. (Adding full name, dates and biographical details for the author of “Fatal Obsession” in CFIV.)

BAYNE, SPENCER. Floyd Albert Spencer, 1895-1978. (Correcting birth date.)

BBOOG.COM. Bob [Robert] Boog, 1956-   . (Adding real name and birth year for the author of “Extreme Urgency” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BEACON, WILTON.  Pseudonym. (Adding nature of the byline for the collection “The Ancient Firm of Camouflage and Co.” in CFIV.)

BEALBY, IAN. 1941-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Dmitri” in CFIV.)

BEAMAN, J(AMES) FRANK(LIN). 1897-1976. Born in Colorado; a reporter and then editor of the San Francisco Daily Commercial News in San Francisco; died in St. Louis, Missouri. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of “The Dotmakers,” a 1965 novel in CFIV.)

BEAN, FANNIE [FANNIE E. BEAN MORRILL]. 1848-1904. (Adding full name and dates for the author of “Ruth Marsh” in CFIV.)

BEATON, ALLEN. Pseudonym of Pearce Beaton Barber, 1906-1984. (Adding real name and dates for the author of “A Miser Is Murdered” in CFIV.)


BEDELL, GERALDINE (CLAIRE). 1956-    . (Adding middle name and birth year for the author of ”Party Tricks” in CFIV.)

BEECH, DICK [RICHARD CLYDE BEECH]. 1892-1955. (Adding full name and dates for the author of “Torpedoed! and other stories” in CFIV.) 

BEECHAM, ROSE. Pseudonym of Jennifer Knight, 1958-    . Other pseudonym: Jennifer Fulton, q.v.

BEER, ERIC V(ICTOR). 1927-2009. (Adding dates for the author of the 1996 novel “An Expensive Game” in CFIV under the pseudonym Jack Agnew.)

BELANGER, CHUCK [CHARLES K. BELANGER]. 1946-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of “The Five Man War” in CFIV.)

BELL, JOYCE. 1920-2013. Born and died in Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England. (Adding death year and biographical detail for the author of two 1970s novels in CFIV.)

BELL, PATRICK. Pseudonym of Damien Patrick Bombell, 1971-    . Born in Sydney, Australia.  (Adding real name and biographical detail for the author of “The Copper Club” in CFIV.)

BELLMONT, RICHARD. Pseudonym of G. Martin Warren. (Adding real name and title correction for the author of the only volume in CFIV.)
    Ced Detelle Fights Crime. (Title correction.)

BELTON, CHRISTOPHER. 1955-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of “Crime Sans Frontieres” in CFIV.)
BENEDICT, CLAIRE. Benita Brown, 1937-2014.

BENNETT, CHARLES. The title listed for this author, “Fox on the Run,” was by Charles (Alfred Selyn) Bennett, 1899-1995, and should be moved to his entry in CFIV.
BENNETT, CYRIL. Pseudonym of a woman, possibly a doctor. (Adding biographical details for the author of “-The Massage Case,” an 1887 novel in CFIV.)

BENNETT, EDWIN (INGERSOLL). 1909-1987. Born in New Jersey and died in Florida; by occupation a mason. (Adding dates and biographical details for the co-author, with Sylvia Dannett, of two 1940s novels in CFIV.)

BENNETT, (RALPH) FRANCIS (MEYLER). 1941-    . (Giving name more fully for the author of two 1990s novels in CFIV.)

BENNEY, MARK. (Adding information about one of the two titles listed in CFIV for this byline.)
    Low Company. (Note: Sometimes identified as an autobiography–fictionalized?)

BENTHAM, JOSEPHINE ALENA. Add: died in Volusia, Florida.

BERGER, THOMAS (LOUIS). 1924-2014.

BERKEY, BEN. 1906(?)-1992(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “The Girl with the Golden G-String” in CFIV.)

BERNIER, MAUREEN. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    Omen of the Owls. [Ireland, ca. 1900]

BERRY, CAROLE (SUMMERLIN). 1942-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

BESANT, WALTER. Joint pseudonym with James (Samuel) Rice, 1843-1882: B. and R., q.v. (Identifying the authorship under a joint pseudonym in CFIV for “Helen Elwood, the Female Detective; or, A Celebrated Forger’s Fate.”)

BINGHAM, LISA [LISA BINGHAM RAMPTON]. 1963-    . (Adding married name and birth year for the author of two 1990s titles in CFIV.)

BINGHAM, ROGER (SCOTT). 1947-    . (Adding middle name and birth year for the co-author, with Raymond Hawkey, of “Wild Card,” a 1974 novel in CFIV.)

BINNIE, (JOHN) STEWART. 1946-    . Born in Oldham, Lancashire, England. (Adding first name and biographical detail for the author of “Across the Water” in CFIV.)

BIRD, GEORGE. 1927-    . (Adding birth year for the author in CFIV under the pseudonym John Lear.)

BISHOP, MARY. Beverly Louise Mason, 1927-2012. (Adding full real name and dates for the author of five novels in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BISHOP, (REV.) R(OBERT) F(RANCIS). 1846-1923. Born in England; died in Westerville, Ohio; a Methodist minister. (Adding full name, dates and biographical details for the author of “Cameron Slope” in CFIV.)

BISSAGER, FREDERICK GEORGE. 1853-1902. (Adding dates for the author of “Entrapped; or, Charlie’s First Crime,” an 1894 novel in CFIV.)
BLACK, DON. Pseudonym of Donald Blackstone, 1938-    .

BLACKSTOCK, NICK [NICHOLAS R. BLACKSTOCK]. 1935-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of “-Beast” in CFIV.)

BLACKSTONE, DONALD. 1938-    . Pseudonym: Don Black, q.v.


BLAKE, DREW. ca.1964-    . Pseudonym. (Adding approximate birth date and byline identification for the author of ”Lastday” in CFIV.)

BLAKE, SIMON. An investigative journalist living in London and France. (Adding biographical details for the author of “The Butcher Bird” in CFIV.)

BLANCO, RUBIO. Henry Doyle Murray, 1866-1952. (Adding the real name and dates for the author of “The Blonde Dream and Other Wampus Creek Mysteries” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BLANKENSHIP, JAN(ET LYNN). 1953-    . A psychotherapist in Texas. (Adding full name, birth year and biographical detail for the author of “Class Act” in CFIV.)

BLASHFIELD, JEAN [JEAN FLOY BLASHFIELD BLACK]. 1939-2014. Born in Madison, Wisconsin; educated at the Universities of Michigan and Chicago; editor at several publishing houses; author of numerous fiction and non-fiction works for children. (Adding full name, death year, and biographical detail for the author of “The Final Bug” in CFIV.)

BLAYRE, CHRISTOPHER. See also: Selina Dolaro.

BLOCK, HARRY CARL. Born in New York City; died in Tarrant, Texas; an oil man.

    As Dark As Christmas Gets. Mysterious Bookshop pb, 1997 (33 pp.) SC: Leo Haig, Chip Harrison [NYC]
    A Walk Among the Tombstones. Film: Universal, 2014 (scw & dir: Scott Frank)

BLOCK, LIBBIE [MRS. PAT DUGGAN]. 1910-1972. (Deleting question mark on birth date for the author of “Bedeviled” in CFIV.)

BLOOM, SARA. 1893- ?. Pseudonym: Sally Chayes, q.v.
BLOOM, THOMAS (J.). 1939-    . (Adding birth year and middle initial for the author of “The Nova Affair” in CFIV.)

BLOOMQUIST, TIM(OTHY PAUL). 1952-    . Social worker in Traverse, Michigan. (Adding full name, birth year, and biographical details for the author of “Which Way from Here” in CFIV.)

BOHNSTEDT, HANS (JOACHIM). 1904-1963. Born in Germany; died in Santa Clara, California. (Adding full name, dates and biographical details for the author of “No Corpus Delecti” in CFIV.)

BOMBELL, DAMIEN PATRICK. 1971-    . Pseudonym: Patrick Bell, q.v. (Adding real name of the author of “The Copper Club” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BOND, FLORENCE DEMAREST FOOS. Born in Reading, Pennsylvania; graduate of Ohio State University; married (George) Merritt Bond, a newspaper man, in 1937, but he died in Arizona in 1939; her death not traced. (Adding biographical details for the author of two titles in CFIV under the pseudonym Ann Demarest.)
BONE, WILL, JR. 1863(?)-1928(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “The Impenetrable Mystery of Zora Burns,” under Anonymous in CFIV.)

BOOG, BOB [ROBERT BOOG]. 1956-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of “Extreme Urgency,” in CFIV under the pseudonym”)

BOONE, JACK W(ARREN). 1922-2014. (Adding death year for the author of six novels in CFIV.)

BOORD, WILLIAM ARTHUR. 1862-1928. Born and died in London, England, but spent some time in Victoria, Australia, and in Tasmania; a photographer and editor of the series “Sun Artists”. (Adding the name, dates and biographical details for the author of “The ‘Man Stories’ of a Black Snake” in CFIV, a collection published in 1898 under the pseudonym W.A.B.)

BOOTH, CHARLES G(ORDON). Add: also a screenwriter who won an Oscar for “The House on 92nd Street.” See also: Ahmad Kamal, 1914-1989.

BORDAGES, ASA (CYRIL). (Correcting middle name.)

BOSAK, STEVEN (R.). 1953-   . (Adding middle initial and birth year for the author of “Gammon” in CFIV.)

BOSLEY, DEBORAH (K.). 1965-    . (Adding middle initial and birth year for the author of “-The Common Touch” in CFIV.)

BOTTERILL, ELIZABETH. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)    -A Woman of the Wolds. [England]

BOUTELL, ANITA (DAY KEARNEY). Note: Although her birth in New Jersey was recorded as May 10, 1894, her death record in England as Anita Day Kearney Porterfield Boutell, dancer and novelist, gave May 10, 1895. (Adding biographical details for the author of four novels in CFIV.)

BOWER, MARIAN. Died in London (correction).

BOWIE, W. A. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    -An Angel in Ambledon. [England]

BOYD, MARY STUART. Birth name: Mary Rennie Wilson Kirkwood. (Adding a biographical detail for the author of three novels in CFIV.)

BOYLE, (R.) FREDERICK. 1841-1893. Correct to: BOYLE, FREDERICK. 1841-1914. (A correction of the name for the author of several titles in CFIV; other biographical information in CFIV still applies.)

BOYNTON, JUDY (M.). 1914-    . Living in Washington. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of “Guardian of Innocence,” a 1980 novel in CFIV.)

BRACKEN, MARY. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    -A Legacy of Light. [London]

BRADBURY, JOSEPH. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    -First Davenport of Bramhall. [England, 1600s]

BRADFORD, C(HARLES) S(YDNEY). 1843-1922. (Adding dates for the author of the 1905 collection “In Life’s Byways” in CFIV.)

BRADY, STEPHEN (M.). 1950-    . (Adding middle initial and birth year for the author of “The Quickening” in CFIV.)

BRADY, W. J. M. Pseudonym of Richard J. Panek, 1958-    . (Adding real name and birth year for the author of “A Genius by Moonlight” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BRAMPTON, JOAN. 1905(?)-1991(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of two plays in CFIV.)

BRAND, FIONA. Pseudonym of Fiona Gillibrand (Walker), ca.1960-    . Born in New Zealand; a deacon in the Anglican church. (Adding the real name, approximate birth year and biographical detail for the author of “Heart of Midnight” in CFIV.)

BRAND, (CHARLES) NEVILLE. SC: Henry Barradyne = HB.
    Honours Even. Nash, 1928
    One More Chance. Lane, 1933 HB
    The Winning Trick. HB

BRANDON, PHILIP. Correct to: BRANDON, PHILLIP. (Correcting first name spelling for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

BRANUM, SANDI [SANDRA]. 1944-    . (Adding full first name and birth year for one of the authors who collaborated as U.S. Five on the novel “The Devil’s Rood” in CFIV.)

BRASON, JOHN (AINSLEY). 1924-2003. (Deleting question marks on the dates for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

BRAVERMAN, RACHEL (J.?). 1960(?)-    . (Giving possible middle initial and birth year for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

BRAY, SANDRA. Pseudonym of Marie-Madeleine Chantal. (Correcting the spelling of the real name of the author of “Strange Destiny” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

BRAYSHAW, EILEEN RUTH. (Correcting the only title by the author in CFIV.)
    The Eye of Bali. (Title correction.)

BRECHIN , DAVID. 1906- ? Journalist born in Scotland; came to South Africa with his family; worked in Kimberly; death not traced. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of two 1960s novels in CFIV.)

BREDE, ARNOLD. Pseudonym. (Adding information about the author of four 1950s titles in CFIV.)

BREEN, PHILIP. Chester (W.) Krone, (Jr.), 1935-2013.

BREITMAN, GREGORY. 1873(?)- ? (Adding possible birth year for the author of “The Marriage of Sherlock Holmes” in CFIV.)

BRENDAN, FRANK (RICHARD?). 1865(?)-1932(?). (Adding possible middle name and dates for the author of “-Landed Odds” in CFIV.)

BRENNAN, ELIZABETH. Note: There is some doubt about the 1907-1981 dates given in CFIV for her. (Adding biographical detail and a note about one of her three titles in CFIV.)
    The Mystery of the Hermits’ Cave. Note: This appears to be a book for children/teenagers.

BRETT, BELINDA [BELINDA E. F. BRETT SUTTON]. 1936-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of two 1990s novels in CFIV.)

BREWIS, (ROBERT) HAROLD. 1895-1971. (Adding full name and dates for the author of the 1953 play “The Body Was Missing” in CFIV.)

BRIER, HOWARD M(AXWELL). 1903-1969. A schoolteacher in Seattle. SC: Barry Martin = BM. All titles intended for younger readers. (Adding biographical detail and series and settings information for the author of several titles in CFIV.)
    Sky Blazer. Random, 1945 BM [South America]
    Sky Freighter. Random, 1942 BM [Canada]
    Skycruiser. BM
    Swing Shift. Random, 1943 [Portland, Oregon]

BRIGGS, DESMOND (LAWTHER). 1931-2001. (Adding the death year for the author of “Standing Into Danger” in CFIV.)

BRINK, ANDRE (PHILIPPUS). 1935-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of two novels in CFIV.)
BRISCOE, WILLIAM ARTHUR. Delete. (Deleting the name wrongly identified in CFIV as the author of  the 1898 collection, “The ‘Man-Stories’ of a Black Snake,” under the pseudonym W. A. B.)

BRISKIN, JACQUELINE (ELIZABETH). 1927-2014. (Adding death year for the author of “-The Naked Heart” in CFIV.)

BRITTON, ANNE. Former fiction editor of “Women’s Own” and author of romances under the pseudonym Jan Andersen. See: Catherine Dillon.

BROADBRIDGE, HUGH (TREVOR). 1903-1979. Born in Sussex, England, and died in Scunthorpe, Surrey. (Adding middle name, dates and biographical detail for the author of “Moorland Terror,” a 1930 novel in CFIV.)

BRODE, ROBERT (STEVEN). 1919-1986. Born in New York, died in Florida; schoolboy novelist. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of “The Clue of the Curious Cat” in CFIV.)

BROOKE, LAWRENCE. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    -The Queen of Two Worlds. [England]

BROOKS, JAMES J. 1825-1895. Chief of the U.S. Secret Service, then General Manager of Gilkinson’s Detective Bureau; born in England, died in Pittsburgh. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of the 1873 collection “Whiskey Drips” in CFIV.)

BROUGHTON, ANTHONY J. 1944-    . Born in Surrey, England; had a career as a design draftsman. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of “Time to Act” in CFIV.)

BROWN, BENITA. 1937-2014.

BROWN, LIZBIE. Born in Cornwall; studied English at Sheffield University; living in the Mendips south of Bath in Somerset, England. (Adding biographical detail for the author of five novels in CFIV.)

BROWN, MELISSA MATHER. 1917-2014. (Adding death year for the author, as Melissa Mather, of the 1986 novel “Damian” in CFIV.)

BROWN, ROBERT. 1946-    . (Adding birth year for author of “Golf Is Murder” in CFIV.)

BROWN, WALTER C. (Adding the setting for one of three novels by this author in CFIV.)
    Laughing Death. [New York City]

BROWNE, DIANE L. 1957-    .

BUCHANAN, HARRISON GRAY. Possible pseudonym of Edward Zane Carroll Judson, 1821-1886. (Adding possible real name of author of “-Asmodeus; or, Legends of New York,” an 1848 title in CFIV.)

BUCHANAN, HUGH. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    The Masterful Voice. [England]

BUCKINGHAM, NANCY. Nancy Buckingham Sawyer, 1924-    . John (Lester) Sawyer, 1919-1992. (Deleting her death date and adding his death year for the author of numerous novels under the pseudonym.)

BULEY, E(RNEST) C(HARLES). Born in Ballarat West, Victoria, Australia; employed at the museum and royal mint in Melbourne; came to England in 1900 and established himself as a writer; died in Dulwich, England. (Adding biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV, along with corrected publication details for four of them.)
    -The Flying Jockey. Correct publisher and date to: Mills, 1919
    -Golden Barb’s Victory. Correct publisher and date to: Mills, 1919
    -The Luck of Mapledown. Correct publisher and date to : Mills, 1919
    -Paddy Doran. Correct publisher and date to: Mills, 1919

BULLOCK, STEVEN R. 1971-   . Assistant professor of history at the University of Nebraska in Omaha. (Adding the birth year and providing corrected biographical information for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

BUNGERT, D(ENNIS) EDWARD. 1957-    . (Deleting the approximate birth date for the author of “Deep Cover” in CFIV.)

BURKE, RAYMOND. (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    Spoutmouth. Dulachas (Glasgow), 1995

BURLESON, TERRY O. K. 1920-1989. (Deleting question marks on the dates for the author of “The Madam Who Blushed” in CFIV.)

“BURMAR” (Adding the setting for the only title under this byline in CFIV.)
    The Smith Slayer. [England]

    -The Brain Pickers. Messner, 1957
BURNETT, YELVA. Pseudonym of Mabel Grace Steytler, 1880-1954. Born in Kimberley, South Africa; studied voice and cello; lived in England for some years; novelist. (Adding real name, dates and biographical detail for the author of "-Richard Forrest's Folly" in CFIV.)

BURNS, RICHARD. (Adding detail about the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    The Broadvlei Mystery. (Intended for younger readers.)

BURREN, MICHAEL (J.?). 1943(?)-    . (Adding possible middle initial and birth year for the co-author, with George Marton, of “The Obelisk Conspiracy” in CFIV.)

BURROUGHS, MILLY (MARTHA). 1899-1991. Born and died in Oregon; had degrees from Ohio University and Clark University; a clinical psychologist in Massachusetts and Ohio; teacher in Idaho and Washington, and member of faculty of Eastern Washington University. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the co-author with Robert Burroughs of “The Fugitive Feet” in CFIV under the pseudonym Roberta Burroughs.)

BURROUGHS, ROBERT (IRA). 1890-1953. (Adding dates for the co-author with Milly Burroughs of “The Fugitive Feet” in CFIV under the pseudonym Roberta Burroughs.)
BURROUGHS, ROBERTA. Milly (Martha) Burroughs, 1899-1991, and Robert (Ira) Burroughs, 1890-1953. (Adding dates for the husband and wife who collaborated on “The Fugitive Feet” in CFIV under this pseudonym.)

BURTON, CYRIL J(OHN?). 1894(?)-1964(?).  (Changing the tentative dates for the author of the play below.)
    Crime by Persuasion. Deane, 1946 (Publisher correction.)
BURTON, MAX. Probable pseudonym, possibly of someone in the Stratemeyer syndicate. (Adding information for the author of “The Mound Hill Mystery,” a 1938 novel in CFIV.)
BURTT, J(OHN) DOUGLAS. 1947-    . (Adding first name and birth year for the author of “Senseless” in CFIV.

BURTT, JOSEPH (JOHN?). 1857(?)-1915(?) (Adding possible middle name and dates for the author of the collection “A Deal in Diamonds, and other stories” in CFIV.)

BURVILLE, JULIE (ANN?). 1942(?)-    . (Adding possible middle name and birth year for the author of “Invaders of Privacy” in CFIV.)

BUTLER, J(OSEPHINE) MARJORIE. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    The Riddle of Roseneath Inn. [Tasmania]

BUTLER, R(UPERT). 1933-. (Adding full name and birth date for the author of “Assassin” in CFIV.)

BUTTERS, ROGER. 1940-     . Former solicitor who retired in 1978 to give more time to writing; native of Stafford, England, where he still lives. (New entry, not in CFIV.)
    Look About and Die. Book Guild, 1991 [Vienna, ca.1810]

BYRNE, E(DMUND) J(OHN). 1864(?)-1938(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “An Irish Lover” in CFIV.)

CABOT, BENSON. Pseudonym. (Adding detail for the author of two 1950s titles in CFIV.)

CABOT, HENRY. Gynecologist in England. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Doctors, Death and Doomsday” in CFIV.)

CABOT, JOAN. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    Vail’s Gate. [New England]

CADBURY, G(EORGE?) J. (P.?). 1951(?)-    . (Adding possible first name and birth year for the author of “When the Death Penalty Came Back” in CFIV.)

CAIRNS, COLLEEN. 1954(?)-    . (Adding possible birth year for the author of “Great Gorme” in CFIV.)

CAIRNS, JOHN H. C. D. 1876-1941. Pseudonym: John H. Duos, q.v. (Adding the real name and dates for the author of four titles in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

CALAMAI, PETER. 1943-    . (Adding birth year for the co-author, with Jeffrey Dow and others, of “A Case of Nide ‘n’ Tea” in CFIV.)

CALY, MARIA. 1911(?)-2012(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “The Dons,” a translated 1973 novel in CFIV.)

CAMERON, DONALD CLOUGH. Add: prolific script writer for comic books; died in New York City.

CAMERON, KENNETH M. 1931-   . (Deleting uncertainty about birth year for the author of the play, “The Hundred and First,” in CFIV.)

CAMERON, MRS. LOVETT [CAROLINE EMILY SHARP CAMERON]. 1844-1921. (Adding dates for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

CAMERON, RITA. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    Christina. [Scotland]

CAMPBELL, ALICE (ORMOND). 1887-1955. Died in Lyme Regis, Dorset, England. (Correcting the death date and adding the death place for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

CAMPBELL, ARMINE (NUTTING GOSLING KEEGAN). 1891-1977. Born in St. Johns, Newfoundland; educated in England; an ambulance driver for the British Red Cross in France for three years during WWII; married Denis Francis Keegan and then Duncan Hamilton Campbell; died in Bermuda. (Correcting the birth date, adding the death year and biographical details for the author of “Getting Away with Murder” in CFIV.)

CAMPBELL, ARTHUR. (Adding a new title for the author of the 1888 novel, “The Mystery of Martha Warne,” in CFIV.)
    The Crime of Paul Sacristan. Lovell (Montreal), 1891 [Canada]

CAMPBELL, D(ONALD) FREDERICK. 1906-1992. (Adding the death year for the co-author, with B. S. Keirstead, of “The Brownsville Murders,” a 1933 novel in CFIV.)

CAMPBELL, HAZEL (MARY FAITH MARLOW). 1891-1950. Add: died in Craignish, Argyll, Scotland.

CAMPBELL, SIR MALCOLM. A racing driver who once held the land (1935) and water (1937) speed records.

CAMPBELL, ROSALEA MARY McCREADY. 1894- ?  (Correcting the birth year; death not traced; for the author, as Janette Cooper, of the 1932 novel “Headlines” in CFIV.)

CANFIELD, HENRY SPOFFORD. Born in Louisiana in 1858; living in Wisconsin in 1900;  death not traced. (Adding biographical detail for the author of the 1898 collection “A Maid on the Frontier” in CFIV.)

CANON, JACK (L.). 1934-2004. Born in Des Moines, Iowa; died in Deadwood, South Dakota;  producer and director of stage plays, actor, and prolific novelist. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of three novels in CFIV, plus several more under the house name Nick Carter.)

    Never Turn Your Back. Also published as: Deadline Death, as by Desmond Corbett. Consul, 1964 (Adding reprint title, byline and publication detail for a book originally published under the house name Ace Capelli.)

CAPEWELL, M(ARK) A. 1962(?)-    . (Adding possible birth date for the author of “Don’t Touch Wood” in CFIV.)

    Three Shots in the Night. [New York] (Adding setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

CARDWELL, JAMES MOSS. 1926-1990. (Adding dates for the author of the play “Mrs. Hudson? Mrs. Hudson!!” in CFIV.)

CAREW, JOHN. 1921-1984. (Adding dates for the author of the collection “Try Anything Once” in CFIV.)

CAREW, MONA.  (Adding two further titles for the author of the 1927 novel "The Gilded Spider" in CFIV.)
    Molly of Marsden’s. Eldon, 1934
    -The Man She Feared. Thomson, 1931

CAREY, JOHN B. 1850(?)-1938(?). A stenographer in Brooklyn. (Adding possible dates and biographical detail for the author of the collection “The Oddities of Short-Hand” in CFIV.)

CARLISLE, GRAHAM S. 1946(?)-    . (Adding possible birth date for the author of the play “The Murder Play” in CFIV.)

CARLSON, JOHN JOACHIM. Correct to: CARLSSON, JOHN JOACHIM.  (Byline correction for the author of “Whither, Barbara?” in CFIV.)

CARMEL, KATHLEEN M. [KATHLEEN MARY CARMEL WITHERS SKIDELSKY]. 1908-1948. (Adding full name and dates for author of “S-S-S-Sh!” in CFIV.)

CARPENTER, CHRIS. 1967-    . Broadcaster with CNN, then CBN. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the co-author, with David Daniel, of “Murder at the Baseball Hall of Fame” in CFIV.)

    The Towers of Urbandine. (5-act play.) (Identifying the nature of this 1805 publication in CFIV.).

CARR, JOSEPH BAKER. 1906(?)-    . (Adding possible birth year for the author of two 1930s novels in CFIV.)

    They Accused Stella Raven. Pearson, 1957 (Adding publication date for this novel in CFIV.)

CARROLL, ROBERT FRANCIS. 1924(?)-2009(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of the 1949 play “Heat Lightning” in CFIV.)

    A Left-Handed Murder. [France] (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

CARSON, HARLAND W.  Aaron A. Allan. (Adding first name for the author of “Monkey Wrench” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

CARTER, DIANA. 1938-   . (Adding birth year for the author of one title, below, in CFIV)
    The Ghost Writer. [England] (Adding the setting.)
CARTER, EDITH [EDITH GERTRUDE CARTER BRAY]. 1878-1934. Married Arthur Bray; died in London. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the co-author, with Winifred Carter, of the 1936 play “The Two Mrs. Camerons” in CFIV.)

CARTLIDGE, ALICE. A remote possibility is that the listed English-set/English-published novel was written by an American, Alice (Eliza) Cartlidge, 1872-1957, whose death notice says “Alice was a writer of many published children’s and mystery stories.” She was born in Missouri and died in California. (Possible dates and biographical detail for the author of the 1935 novel “Murder on Moreby” in CFIV.)

CARTWRIGHT, MARY. Pseudonym of Mary Wright, ca.1891-     . Born Marion Carter; married John Gordon Wright in 1916; death not traced. (Adding real name, approximate birth year, and biographical detail for the author of “The Dark House” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

CASE, PEG(GY C.). 1929-    . (Adding birth year for the co-author, with John Migliore, of two 1980s titles in CFIV.)

CASEY, ROBERT J. SC: Joseph Crewe, in at least those marked JC. (Adding series character information for the author of eight novels in CFIV.)
    Hot Ice. JC
    The Secret of the Bungalow. JC
    The Secret of 37 Hardy Street. JC
    The Third Owl. JC

CECIL, ALLAN. Pseudonym of C. A. Lewis, who lived in Horsham, England; very likely Cecil Allen Lewis, 1921-2006.
CELA, CAMILO JOSE. 1916-2002. Born Camilo Jose Cela y Trulock in Galicia, Spain; studied medicine and law at Madrid University; won Nobel Prize for literature in 1989; died in Madrid. (Adding a new entry; author not in CFIV.)
    -Pascual Duarte’s Family. Eyre, 1946; Little Brown, 1964, as The Family of Pascual Duarte [Spain] (Translation of “La Familia de Pascual Duarte”. Madrid, 1942.)

CELESTIN, JACK. John Daniel Marie-Celestin Donohue, 1892-1949. (Correcting the birth date and adding the death year for the real name of the author of the play, “The Man at Six,” in CFIV under the pseudonym with co-author Jack De Leon.)

CHALMERS, STEPHEN. Came to the U.S in 1904. (Adding a biographical detail for the author of seven novels in CFIV.)

CHAMBERS, BARBARA (ANN?). ca.1893- ?. Becky Gardiner, 1886- ?. (Adding information about the co-authors of “New York,” a 1927 film novelization in CFIV.)

CHAMPION, JOAN [AUGUSTA JOANNA MAY CHAMPION MATTHEW SOMERVILLE].  1888-1969. Born in Launceston, Tasmania; died in Bournemouth, Dorset, England; married Charles Matthew in Singapore, then Robert William Somerville in Gloucestershire. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of “Incidental Murder” in CFIV.).    

CHAMPNEYS, ANIAN LISTER. Born in Hampstead, London, England, and died in Thorrington, near Cochester, Essex; an architect, especially of public and library buildings. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “The Incredible Adventures of Rowland Hern” in CFIV under his pseudonym Nicholas Olde.)

CHANCE, MAXWELL. (Adding the setting for the only book by this author in CFIV.)
    Two Times Murder. [Cleveland]

CHANCELLOR, JOHN. Other possible Rideaux pseudonym: Barbara Heygate, q.v.

CHANDLER, MAURICE CRESSWELL. 1902-1996. Possible pseudonym: Maurice Cresswell, q.v.

CHANTEL, MARIE-MADELEINE. Correct to: CHANTAL, MARIE-MADELEINE. (Correction of the real name of the author of “Strange Destiny,” in CFIV as by Sandra Bray.)

CHAPMAN, RENATE (Adding further titles for the author of numerous books in CFIV.)
    -Echoes of Love. Avalon, 1985 [Connecticut]
    -The Haunted Heart. [Mississippi]
    -Haunted Smiles. Avalon, 1986 [Louisiana]
    -Love’s Secret Plan. Avalon, 1984 [Indiana]
    -Moonlight Secrets. [New York]
    -Rainy Day Girl. Avalon, 1986 [Pennsylvania]
    -A Starlight Miracle. Avalon, 1986 [Missouri]
    -The Watcher. [Cincinnati]
    -Waters Dark and Deep. [Tennessee]


CHARD, JUDY. Dorothy Doreen Chard, 1916-2014.

CHARLES, ERNEST F. (Adding the setting for one book out of three by this author in CFIV.)
    Death Comes Ashore. [ship, England]

CHARLES, HAMPTON. Roy Peter Martin, 1931-2014.

CHARLES, ROBERT. SC: Judy Kane, in title marked JK and subsequent novels.
    Falcon SAS: Firestrike. [Africa]
    Persons Reported. JK
CHARLES, SPENCER. Ellen Spencer Danser, 1922-2013.

CHARLTON, MARJORY. ca.1889(?)-1943(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “Death of a Fashion Writer” in CFIV.)

CHARLTON, RANDAL. 1882(?)-1941(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of the one title in CFIV.)
    The Virgin Widow. [England] (Adding the setting.)

CHASE, GEORGE B(IGELOW). 1835-1902. (Adding the middle name and dates for the author of the play “Simple Silas; or, The Detective from Plunketsville” in CFIV.)

CHAYES, SALLY. Pseudonym of Sara Bloom, 1893-  ?.  Married Chicago attorney Irvin Bloom in 1913 as Sara Chayes. (Adding birth date and biographical detail for the author of the only title in CFIV, listed below.)
    -Jail Bait. (Adding the dash.)

CHEAME, WILLIS. Pseudonym. (Adding byline information for the author of “When We First Practise” in CFIV.)

CHESNEY, MICHAEL. Pseudonym of Alexander (Douglas Chesney) Wilson, 1893-1963, q.v. Other pseudonym: Gregory Wilson, q.v. (Adding real name and cross- references for the author of three 1930s novels in CFIV.)

CHESTBURY, C. H. Pseudonym. (Adding byline information for the author of “The Yellow Circle” in CFIV.)

CHESTER, ALAN. 1916-1994. Born in Perth, Australia; a theatre manager; died in western Australia.
    -The Three Furies. Cassell, 1937 [Australia]

CHESTER, LILLIAN ELEANOR HAUSER DE REMO. 1887-1961. Born in Ohio. (Correcting the birth date and adding the birth place for the co-author, with husband George Randolph Chester, of “The Son of Wallingford,” a 1921 novel in CFIV.)

CHESTERFIELD, STUART. (Adding information about the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    The Last Hit. (Note: This was apparently reprinted, substantially unchanged, as Blood, Pure and Simple. Solstice, 2012.)
CHIDESTER, ANN (MARY). 1918-2001. (Correcting birth date and adding middle name for the author of “The Long Year,” a 1946 novel in CFIV.)

CHILCOT, HARRIET [HARRIET CHILCOT MEZIERE]. ca.1755-1786. (Adding dates and full name for the author of “Moreton Abbey” in CFIV, which was completed by an unknown editor.)
CHILDERNESS, GEORGE. Pseudonym. (Adding detail about the author of two 1940s titles in CFIV.)

CHILTON, ELEANOR CARROLL. 1898-1949. Born in Charleston, West Virginia, daughter of a U.S. Senator; graduate of Smith College; lived for some years in London, where she married and divorced; died in Kanawha, West Virginia. (Adding an author, with biographical details, and a title not in CFIV.)
    -Follow the Furies. Bobbs, 1935; Eyre, 1935

CHITAMBO, JOHN. ca.1963-    . (Adding approximate birth year for author of “Sacred Blood” in CFIV.)

CHRISTIAN, A. G. Pseudonym of Gary Wayne Tilman, 1947-    . (Adding real name and birth year of the author, under the pseudonym, of “The Harani Trail” in CFIV.)

    The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding. ss: Greenshaw’s Folly. TV movie (based also on ss The Thumb Mark of St. Peter) as Greenshaw’s Folly: ITV, 2013 (scw: Tim Whitnall; dir: Sara Harding)
    A Caribbean Mystery. TV movie: ITV, 2013 (scw: Charlies Higson; dir: Charles Palmer)
    Dumb Witness. TV movie: France, 2013, as Temoin Muet (scw: Thierry Debroux; dir: Marc Angelo)
    Endless Night. TV movie: ITV, 2013 (scw: Kevin Elyot; dir: David Moore)
    Sparkling Cyanide. TV movie: France, 2013, as Muertre au Champagne (scw: Sylvie Simon; dir: Eric Woreth)
    They Do It with Mirrors. TV movie: France, 2013, as Jeux de Glaces (scw: Sylvie Simon; dir: Eric Woreth)
    Why Didn’t They Ask Evans. TV movie: France, 2013, as Pourquoi pas Martin (scw: Sylvie Simon; dir: Marc Angelo)

CHRISTMAS, SYLVIA. 1941-    . Living in Oak Park, Illinois. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of “One Way Ticket to Moscow” in CFIV.)

CHRISTNER, D(AVID) W(ALLACE). 1943-    . (Name and date corrections for the author of “Epitaph for Emily” in CFIV.)

CHUTE, CAROLYN (A.). 1947-    . Birth name: Carolyn Penny. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of “Snow Man” in CFIV.)

CLAIRE, MARVIN. Marvin Claire Larson, 1925-2013. Born and died in Minneapolis, Minnesota; graduate in English from the University of Minnesota; technical writer for various companies (including Honeywell), and freelance writer of short stories and articles on fishing and hunting, in addition to the listed novel. (Adding the death year and biographical detail for the author of “The Drowning Wire” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

CLARK, MARIAN B(UXTON). 1898-1958. Died in St. Petersburg, Florida. (Correcting the dates and adding the death place for the author of ”The Model Corpse” in CFIV.)

CLARK, ROBERT. 1893(?-1975(?). (Adding possible dates for the co-author, with Georg Armin Shaftel, of the play “Tune in Tonight” in CFIV.)

CLARKE, GEORGE WALKER. 1895(?)-1965(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “-Virtue OK’d” in CFIV under the pseudonym Thomas Randall.)

CLARKE, JOSEPHINE FITZGERALD. 1866-1953. Born Josephine Fitzgerald Moylan in Galway, Ireland; married Sir Frederick W. A. Clarke in 1893.

CLAUGHTON, RUSSELL (GUY). 1944-    . (Adding middle name and birth year for the author of “Long Good Friday,” a movie novelization in CFIV.)

CLAY, LEWIS. 1909(?)-1995(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “The Wanton Hour” in CFIV.)

CLEARY, JON (STEPHEN). (Adding publication corrections for one of numerous titles by the author in CFIV.)
    You Can’t See Round Corners. Angus (Australia), 1948; Eyre, 1949

CLEAVER, DIANE. 1942-1995. (Deleting question mark on birth year for the author of “Sherbourne’s Folly” in CFIV under the pseudonym Nora Barry.).)

CLEEVES, ANN (RICHARDSON). SC: Vera Stanhope = VS, and in subsequent novels. (Adding a series character and a TV movie version for one title by the author of numerous books in CFIV.)
    The Crow Trap. VS  TV movie: BBC Scotland, 2011 (scw: Stephen Brady; dir: Farren Blackburn)

CLEFT-ADDAMS, JULIA. In 1932 reported to be of Norwegian descent and resident in Cornwall, England; went to London as a young girl; worked for a number of newspapers and magazines; traveled extensively; dates not traced. (Adding biographical detail for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

CLELAND, R(OBERT). A Scottish novelist. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “A Rich Man’s Relatives,” an 1885 novel in CFIV.

CLEMENCE, BRUCE. 1953-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of a 1991 pamphlet, “-No Way Street,” in CFIV.

CLEMENS, BRIAN (HORACE). 1931-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of several plays in CFIV.)

CLEMENT, ERNEST C. 1908-1985. (Correcting birth year and adding death year for the author who wrote several titles as Candace Connell in CFIV.)

CLEMENT, FRANK A(UBREY. 1863-1937. (Adding dates and middle name for the author of three 1930s novels in CFIV.)

CLENDENEN, BILL [WILLIAM DANIEL CLENDENEN]. 1949-1993. (Adding full name and dates for the author of “-Stigma” in CFIV.)

CLIFFORD, ALAN N. Pseudonym of Peter F. Cohn, 1939-    . (Adding real name and birth year for the author of “The Fatherland Files” in CFIV.)

CLIFFORD, CHARLES L(EWIS). 1890-1991. (Adding a new title and the setting of another for the author of two books in CFIV.)   
    Mindanao Mirage. Worlds Work, 1948 [Philippines]
    -Too Many Boats. [Philippines]
CLIFFORD, READ. SC: Major Heysham and Peter Pater, in both titles.

CLINE, C(HARLES) TERRY, JR. 1935-2013. (Adding the death year for the author of numerous novels in CFIV.)

COCKAIN, FRANK (B.?). 1940(?)-    . (Adding possible middle initial and birth year for the author of two 1970s novels in CFIV.)

COE, SIMON. James William Shamblen, 1928-2014. (Adding the death date for the author of three titles in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

COFFARO, KATHERINE. Catherine Kovacs, 1921-2012. (Correcting first name spelling for the real name of the author of “Gently Into Night” in CFIV..)
COGHLAN, MARGARET M. 1917-2002. Born Margaret Mary Walls in Glasgow; died in Leicester, England.  (Correcting birth date and adding biographical detail for the co-author, with Hugh C. Rae, of “Lantern for the Dark” under the pseudonym Jessica Stirling, in CFIV.)
COHN, PETER F. 1939-    . Pseudonym: Alan N. Clifford, q.v. (Adding the real name and birth year for the author of “The Fatherland Files” under the pseudonym in CFIV.)

COLE, M(ARGARET ALICE). (Adding a title by an author with two other titles in CFIV.)
    The Doctor’s Fiancee. Gresham, 1966, as by Margaret A. Cole [London]


COLEMAN, JAMES EDWARD. 1968-    . (Adding birth year for author of “Island” in CFIV.)
COLLES, EDMUND (BROWN RAMSAY). 1898- ?. Born in Dublin, Ireland; living in London ca.1930-1945; presumably returned to Ireland and died there. (Adding middle names and correcting biographical detail for author of two titles in CFIV.)

COLLIER, IRIS [IRIS ANN COLLIER WATTS]. 1934-    . (Adding full name and birth year for author of 8 titles in CFIV.)
COLLINS, HAROLD (DEAN). 1908-1987. An artist in Kentucky. (Adding details for the author of “The Difficulty at Deep End” in CFIV.)

COLLINS, HUGH. 1951-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “A Likely Story” in CFIV.)

COLLINS, JAMES HIRAM. 1873-1957. (Adding death year for the author of ”The Great Taxi-Cab Mystery” in CFIV.)

COLLINS, JOHN. 1929-    . (Adding birth year for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

COLLIS, LAURISTON. Pseudonym. (Adding information for author of “The Mystery of Holly Tavern” in CFIV.)

COLMAN, GEORGE D. 1928-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Reckless Passage” in CFIV.)

COLMER, HUGH (FITZROY). 1935-    . (Adding middle name and birth year for the co-author, with Anthony Masters, of “The Hidden Gods: The Doorway” in CFIV.)

    The Outward Side. The Other Traveller pb, 1971

COMBES, SHARON M. 1947(?)-    . (Adding possible birth year for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

COMSTOCK, (GLADYS?) CAROLINE. 1902(?)-1994(?). (Adding possible first name and dates for the author of “The Bandar-Log Murder” in CFIV.)

CONNELL, CANDACE. Ernest C. Clement, 1908-1985.  (Correcting birth year and adding death year for author of several titles under the pseudonym in CFIV.)

CONNOR, (PATRICK) REARDEN. Pseudonym: Patrick Malin, q.v.

    My Grave Is for the Living. [London] (Adding the setting.)

CONRAD. HY. Pseudonym of Gary Paul Sensenig, 1950-    , though he’s been mostly known as Conrad for decades and prefers that name. (Adding real name and birth year for the author of several titles in CFIV.)

CONTEH, J(AMES) SORIE. 1943-    . (Adding first name and birth year for the author of “The Diamonds” in CFIV.)

COOK, AUSTIN WILLIAMS. 1909-1973. Born in Framingham, Massachusetts. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of two 1930s plays in CFIV.)

COOK, ELLA BOOKER. 1883-1974.  (Correcting birth year and adding death year for the author of ”The Ghost of Windy Hill” in CFIV.)
COOMBES, DOUGLAS T. 1920-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Fated Fortune” in CFIV.)

COOPER, (GWALDYS) DOROTHY. ca.1912-1981(?). Wrote romances under some eight names in the 1960s and was then living in Tangiers; once worked for the British Foreign Office. (Adding biographical information and possible dates for the author of “-Malice in the Sun” in CFIV.)

COOPER, JANETTE. Rosalea Mary McCready Campbell, 1894-   ? (Correcting the birth year for the author of “Headlines,” a 1932 novel under the pseudonym in CFIV.)
COOPER, PARR. Pseudonym of Kathleen Lewis-Bowen, 1911-1981. (Adding the real name of author of “-Uninvited Guests” in CFIV.)

CORBETT, DESMOND. See: Ace Capelli (“Never Turn Your Back”).
    Deadline Death. (Delete this title here.)

CORBYN, CLARA A. B. [CLARA A. BALL CORBIN]. 1847(?)-1913. Born in Ohio; died in Los Angeles. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of the play “La Gran Quibira” in CFIV.)

COREY, FRANK.  George Richard Fox, 1930-2000. (Adding full real name and dates for the author of “By Blood Alone” in CFIV.)

CORFIELD, WILLIAM E(LWYN). 1920-2013. (Adding the death year for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

    The Super. [New York City] (Adding setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

CORRINGTON, JOYCE (HOOPER). 1936-    . (Adding birth year for the co-author, with husband John William Corrington, of several titles in CFIV.)

COSGROVE, THOMAS H. 1936-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “The Last Climb” in CFIV.)

COTES, J(AMES?) C(HARLES?). 1889(?)-1929(?). (Adding possible full name and dates for the author of “A Lost Soul and other tales,” a 1913 collection in CFIV.)

COTTRELL, ROGER (JOHN HENRY). 1958-    . Former soldier, crime journalist and war correspondent; earned a Ph.D. at Belfast university on the British crime novel. (Adding full name, birth year and biographical detail for the author of two 1990s novels in CFIV.)

COUCH, ANTHONY. 1929-    . (Correcting the birth year and deleting a possible middle name and death date for the author of “Memoirs of a Twelfth Man” in CFIV.)

COURTENEY, CECIL. Possibly the pseudonym of Cecil Courteney Dobson, 1862-1898. (Adding a possible real name and dates for the author of two 1880s novels in CFIV.)

COURTIS, GERALD (A.?). 1949(?)-    . (Adding possible middle initial and birth year for the author of two 1970s novel in CFIV.)

    -A Comedy of Temptation. [London] (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

    In the Portion of Jezreel. [England] (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

    -Courtship and Chemicals. [England, academia] (Adding settings information for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

COZZO, JOSEPH. 1920-2014. (Adding death year for the author of ”-The Money Swallow” in CFIV.)

CRAGG, E(DWARD?) H(ENRY?). 1861(?)-1939(?). A medical practitioner. (Adding biographical information and possible full name and dates the author of “Almack the Detective” in CFIV.)

CRAIG, DORIN. Pseudonym. (Adding byline identification for the author of “Mist in the Valley” in CFIV.)
CRANBROOK, SHELDON. Pseudonym. (Adding information for the author of two 1930s novels in CFIV.)

CRANE, SADIE (ANN?). 1915(?)-1995(?). (Adding possible middle name and dates for the author of three 1930s titles in CFIV.)

    -The Problem of Janus. [England, France, Italy] (Adding settings for only title by this author in CFIV.)

CRAWFORD, PETRINA. Pseudonym. (Adding information for the author of “Seed of Evil” in CFIV.)

CRAWFORD, ROBERT. Hugh C(rauford) Rae, 1935-2014. (Adding death year for author of several titles under this pseudonym in CFIV.)

CREAGH, MONTY. 1908-1985. (Adding dates for the author of “Nobask” in CFIV.)

CREESE, IRENE LILIAN. 1911-1993. Married George Posford in 1936, then George St. John Brodrick, 2nd Earl of Midleton, in 1975, so becoming Countess of Midleton. (Adding biographical detail for the author of several titles in CFIV under the pseudonym Rene Ray.)

CREGAN, CONWAY. Probable pseudonym. (Adding information for the author of two 1890s titles in CFIV.)

CREIGHTON, CHRISTOPHER. John Christopher Ainsworth-Davis, 1924-2013. (Adding dates for the author who, as Creighton, co-authored “The Krushchev Objective” with Noel Hynd, in CFIV.)

CREIGHTON, (FRANCIS) MILT(ON). 1944-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of two Sherlock Holmes game books in CFIV.)

CRESSWELL, MAURICE. Possibly the pseudonym of Maurice Cresswell Chandler, 1902-1996, born and died in Ontario, Canada. (Adding possible real name and dates for the author of “Murder in a Road Gang” in CFIV.)

CRICHTON, C(ONSTANTINE) H(OTHAM). 1876-1946. (Adding dates for the author of the collection “Tales of Love and Hate” in CFIV.)

CRICHTON, DOUGLAS. 1948-2012. (Adding dates for the co-author, with his brother, Michael Crichton, of “-Dealing; or, The Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues” in CFIV under the pseudonym Michael Douglas.)
CROFT, TOM [THOMAS STEWART CROFT]. 1948-    . Graduate of Shepherd University, Hagerstown Community College, and Maryland College of Art and Design. (Adding full name, birth year, and biographical details for the author of “Ocean City, MD” in CFIV.)

CROOKENDEN, ISAAC. (Adding a title for the author of numerous other titles in CFIV.
    The Vindictive Monk; or, The Fatal Ring. (England), 1802

CROOKS, KEVIN M. 1946-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Serious Magnums” in CFIV.)     

CROSBY, ELLEN. 1953-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Moscow Nights” in CFIV.)

CROSBY, G(EORGE) S. 1843-1886. A lawyer in Pennsylvania, admitted to the bar in 1872. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of “-The Mystery; or, Platonic Love” in CFIV.)

    The Haunted Priory; or, The Fortunes of the House of Raye. [Spain, 1400s] (Adding the setting.)

CULVER, FREDERICK WILLIAM. 1925-2004.  (Adding dates for the author of “Double Exposure,” a 1956 play in CFIV.)

CUMMINGS, (ORANGE) SCOTT. 1846-1928.  (Adding dates for the author of ”The Rexworth Mystery” in CFIV.)

CURRALL, LYNDA. 1949-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of “Murder in Black and White” in CFIV.)

CURRIE, LUCY M(ARGUERITE?). 1967(?)-    . (Adding possible middle name and birth year for the author of “Tea at Reid’s” in CFIV.)

CURRIER, THEODORE W. Once principal of Perryville High School in Maryland. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “-The Mystery of Rockdale” in CFIV.)

    Vivian Morgan’s First Case. Show publication date as: 1940.

CURTIS, PHILIP (DELACOURT). 1920-2012. (Adding the death year for the author of the play “A Sword to the Rescue” in CFIV.)
CURTIS, RICHARD (ALAN). Delete reference to pseudonym Ray Lilly.

CURTIS, SYDNEY ALBERT. 1946-   . Lived in Bexley, Kent, England. (Adding birth year and biographical details for author of several books in CFIV.)
CUSACK, JOHN. 1966-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of the novel “Two Small Holes” in CFIV.)

CUTCHEON, EDGAR. Possibly the pseudonym of Edgar Cutcheon Cramb, ca.1904-1964. (Adding possible real name and dates for the author of “The Black Feather,” a 1945 novel in CFIV.)
CUTTELL, (REV.) JOHN. ca.1837-1915. Born in Sheffield, England; died in Margate; a Methodist minister. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of “-Dr. Winsford’s First Fee” in CFIV.)

D., A. E. Alice Elizabeth Dracott, 1865-1909(?). Wife of a British civil servant in India. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of two titles in CFIV.)
DALBY, JONATHAN C(OLIN?). 1974(?)-    . (Adding possible middle name and birth date for the author of “The Rest Is Silence “in CFIV, and adding a second title.)
    -The Final Solution. Pentland pb (Edinburgh), 1999

DALE, CREIGHTON. Probable pseudonym. (Adding information about the author of “Behind the Blank” in CFIV.)

DALE, OLIVER (Adding the contents of a collection of stories in CFIV.)
    Strange Stories of Strange People. Novelets: The Hansom-Cabby \ Miss Matthew’s Cats \ Mr. Price’s Winkle Tea \ Sir Bob and his Liady

DALLAS, DUNCAN (CAMPBELL). ca.1828-1911. (Adding middle name and dates for the author with two titles in CFIV.)
DALRYMPLE, LEONA [CARRIE LEONA DALRYMPLE WILSON]. 1883-1965(?). Born in Mercer, New Jersey; married Clarence Acton Wilson; two sources give death in Wisconsin in May 1965, though each gives a different birth date. (Adding an author, title, and its film version, none of which is in CFIV.)
    -Diane of the Green Van. Reilly, 1913; Mills, 1914. Silent film: Winsome Stars, 1919 (scw: Thomas J. Geraghty; dir: Wallace Worsley)

DALTON, PRISCILLA. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

DALY, ELIZABETH (TERESA).  (Adding the middle name for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

DANA, MARVIN. (Adding a title and its film version for a novel by an author with several other books in CFIV.)
    The Shooting of Dan McGrew. Grosset, 1915. Silent film: Metro, 1915 (scw: Aaron Hoffman; dir: Herbert Blache)
DANE, DANIEL. Ernest Spenser Hanson, 1860-1891. (Adding dates and full middle name for the actual name of the author, and adding the setting for the only title by the author in CFIV.)
    Vengeance Is Mine. [London]

    What Dread Hand. Correction: Show publication date as 1956.

DANE, MARK. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

DANIELS, CORA LINN (MORRISON). 1852-1930s.  (Adding approximate death date for an author with two titles in CFIV.)

DANIELS, MAX. Pseudonym of William (Buckley) Murray, 1926-2005, q.v. (Adding author dates for “Passport to Terror” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

DANIELS, VINCE(NT). (Show name thus.)
    Mendoza’s Treasure. Add Australian edition: Horwitz pb, 1980

DANKLEFS, RON(ALD M.). 1957-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Radio Rage” in CFIV.)

DANKS, DENISE. 1953-    . (Adding birth year for the author of numerous novels in CFIV.)


DARBON, LESLIE. (Adding a play for the author of three other plays in CFIV.)
    Double Edge, with Peter Whelan, 1931-2014. French (London), 1976 (Play.)

DARKE, TIFFANIE. 1972-   . (Adding birth year for the author of “-Marrow” in CFIV.)

D’ASTOR, JEAN. Pseudonym of Jean-Francois Orsat, 1924-   . (Adding birth year for the author of several novels in CFIV.)

DASWANI, V. J. [VIJAY R. DASWANI]. 1972-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of “-Father, Sons, Unholy Ghost” in CFIV.)

DATE, JOHN H. 1952(?)-   . (Adding possible birth year for the author of “Escape Route M6" in CFIV.)
D’AUDIFFRET, COUNTESS INA. 1880(?)-     . Born in Holland. (Correcting possible birth year and birth place for the author, as Melitta Zelno, of the play “C.I.D.” in CFIV.)

    The Fire. [Paris] (Adding the setting.)

    The Murders at Bill’s O’ Jack’s. (Title correction.)

    The Zinger. [Washington D.C.] (Adding the setting.)

    -The Wilderness Road. [1960s] (Adding the setting.)

DAVIDSON, MRS. DAN M. Lived in Detroit.
    Alice Moon; or, A Brother’s Crime. [Indiana] (Adding the setting.)

DAVIES, A(NTHONY) A. T. (Adding the author’s first name, and the setting of his only title in CFIV.)
    The Horses of Winter. [England]

    -The Cheat. Curtis Warren pb, 1954 (Adding the date.)

DAVIES, JOHN (VINING). 1913-2003. Born in Hoddesdon, England; died in Exmouth, Devon. Also wrote romances as Kathryn Hamilton. (Adding dates and further biographical details for the author of several novels in CFIV.)

DAVIS, ANNA. 1971-    . (Adding the birth year for the author of “Melting” in CFIV.) 

DAVIS, CHARLES. African-American author.
    Two Weeks to Find a Killer. [San Francisco]

DAVIS, CHRIS. ca.1951-    . (Adding the approximate birth year for the author of “Death by Fire” in CFIV.)

DAVIS, DON. 1958-    . (Adding birth year for the author, with brother Jay Davis, 1952-   , of “-Bring on the Night” in CFIV.)


DAVIS, LIEUTENANT F(REDERICK) J(OHN). 1857-1919. Born in Plymouth, England; a mariner; died at sea. (Adding dates and details for the author of “-Over the Waters” in CFIV.)

DAVIS, J. B. [JANNE M. DAVIS]. 1931-    . (Adding the birth year and full name of the author of ”Death Spiral” in CFIV.)

DAVIS, J(O) MARSHALL. Raises and trains horses on a ranch in southeastern Missouri. (Adding details for the author of “The Write to Kill” in CFIV.)

DAVIS, JACK D. 1933(?)-    . (Adding possible birth date for the author of “Murder in Belgravia Court” in CFIV.)

DAVIS, JAY [JAMES LOUIS DAVIS]. 1952-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author, with brother Don Davis, 1958-   , of “-Bring on the Night” in CFIV.)

DAVIS, LAURIE. Johannes Gerhardus Barkhuizen, 1929-2013. (Adding death year for the author of “Where Vultures Reign,” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

DAWSON, CHARLES. (Show name thus.)
    -A Minister of Fate. [England]

DAWSON, JIM [JAMES]. 1944-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Doghouse” in CFIV.)

DAWSON, RONALD. 1902-1984. (Adding dates for the author, with Joseph Cochran, of “Murder Is a Matter of Opinion” in CFIV.)

DAY, DORIS M(ARIA). 1920-2007(?). (Adding possible death date for the author of two plays in CFIV.)
DAY [LEDERER], LILLIAN. 1893-1991. Birth name: Lillian Ethel Abrams; married someone named Day, then Lyon Mearson, 1888-1966, q.v., then Norbert Lederer; died in New York City.

DAYMONT, JOHN. No trace of the book listed in CFIV, “The Pelota Murder”, can now be found, so it may be a ghostly title.

DAYNE, J. BELFORD. Probably a pseudonym. (Adding identification of the byline for two 1880s novels in CFIV.)

DEAN, ELIZABETH. Born Elizabeth Harriet Baker in New York City; lived in Council Bluffs, Iowa, from 1930.

DEAN, LISA. Lisa Dean James, 1947-    . (Adding the full name and birth year for the author of several titles with Chris Curry in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

DEANE, SHIRLEY JOAN [SHIRLEY JOAN DEANE HORSLEY]. 1920-2003. (Adding the married name and death year for the author of “No Tears for the Dead” in CFIV.)

DE ANGELIS, E. L. Although the play in CFIV under this byline, “The Green Pigeon”, was published in the U.S., the only matching full name for the author is Eugenie Louisa De Angelis, 1878-1943, born and died in London, England.

DEARING, SARAH. (Adding setting detail for the only title in CFIV by this author.)
    The Bull Is Not Killed. [1974]
DE BORCHGRAVE, ARNAUD. 1926-2015. (Adding the death year for the author, with Robert Moss, of two 1980s titles in CFIV.)

DE BRUNE, (CHARLES FRANCIS) AIDAN. 1879-1946. Toured much of the world, some of it on foot; died in Australia. (Adding biographical details for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

DEEN, RON(ALD). Retired civil engineer in Ayr, Scotland. (Adding biographical details for the author of “Wrath of the Tartars,” a 1997 novel in CFIV.)

DEIR, ANDREW. Pseudonym. (Adding identification of a byline for two titles in CFIV, and the setting of one of them.)
    When a Girl Marries. [Scotland]
DE JEAN, GEORGES. 1886-1976(?). (Adding possible death year for the author of “Who Killed Lord Brixham,” a 1937 novel in CFIV.)

DE KONING, JAN. 1926(?)-1994(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “My Mother Was Hanged,” a 1958 novel in CFIV under the pseudonym E. S. Willards.)

    Dean of Clonbury. Since the book was apparently published as by Peter Roche, the title in CFIV is moving to that entry, q.v.

DE LISLE, PERCY. (Adding the setting for the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    The Hero of the Pelican. [ship]

DE LISLE BROCK, H(OPE). 1883-1922. (Adding the first name and dates for the co-author, with Phyllis Bottome, of “-Crooked Answers”, a 1911 novel in CFIV.

DELL, JEFFREY. Pseudonym of John Edward Flowers Dell, 1899-1985. (Adding the real name and deleting uncertainty about the death date for the author of several titles in CFIV.)

DELL, JOHN EDWARD FLOWERS. 1899-1985. (Adding the real name and dates for the author of several titles in CFIV under the pseudonym Jeffrey Dell.)

DELLAR, H(ARRIET?) J. 1875(?)-1948(?). (Adding the possible first name and dates for the author of “Incident Closed,” a 1947 novel in CFIV.)

DE MESTERTON, JEAN-JACQUES. Born in Helsinki, Finland, and educated in France; professional adventurer and political advisor. (Adding biographical details for the author of “The Succession”, a 1999 novel in CFIV.)
DE MILLE, NELSON (RICHARD). (Adding a publication detail for one title by an author with numerous novels in CFIV.)
    The Death Squad. Add British edition: Manor pb (U.K.), 1975

DENISON, FRANK (RHODES?). 1841(?)-1906(?). (Adding possible middle name and dates for the author of “Tales of the Strong Room,” an 1899 collection in CFIV.)

DENNISON, JANINE. 1946-2010. Born in Lancashire, England; died in Bristol. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of “Attempt,” a 1974 novel in CFIV.)
DE PRE, JEAN-ANNE. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

DERBY, E(UGENE) C(HANNING). 1862-1928(?). (Adding possible death date for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

DERBY, MARK. Born Percival George Albert Wilcox in Leyton, Essex; also known as Harry Percival George Albert Wilcox; given first name sometimes spelled Perceval; at last trace was living on Minorca. (Adding full name and biographical details for the author of many novels in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

DEUTCSH, ARTHUR V. Served 10 years as Chief of Police in Birmingham, Alabama. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Starett”, a 1978 novel in CFIV.)

DE VALCOURT-VERMONT, EDGAR. 1846-   . Born in France; came to the U.S. in 1880s; lived in Illinois; instructor at the Harvard School, Chicago; journalist on the Chicago Times; death note traced. (Adding birth year and biographical details for the author of “The Dalton Brothers and Their Astounding Career in Crime,” in CFIV as published anonymously in 1892.)

DE VIGNE, H. ROSIER. Pseudonym. (Adding identification of the byline for three novels in CFIV.)

DE VILLIERS, DIRK. 1924-2009. (Adding dates for the author of “The Wild Sound of Murder,” a 1978 novel in CFIV.)
DE VINCENT, ELEANORA. Barbara Hughes, 1939-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Tower Park,” a 1973 novel in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

DEVON, MARIAN. Marian Pope Rettke, 1927-2015. (Adding death date for author of “Miss Osborne Misbehaves,” a 1990 novel in CFIV under the pseudonym.)
DEXTER, CHARLES O. 1904-    . (Adding birth date of the author and setting of his only book in CFIV.)
    The Street of Kings. [England, 1600s]

DIAPOULOS, PETER. 1932-2003. (Adding death date for the author, with Steven Linakis, of “The Sixth Family,” novelized true crime in CFIV.)

DICKEY, FRED (J.). 1929-    . (Adding birth date for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

DICKINSON, MATT [DAVID MATTHEW DICKINSON]. 1960-    . (Adding birth year and full name of the author of “-High Risk,” a 2000 novel in CFIV.)
DILLON, CATHERINE. (Adding authorship details for two titles under this byline in CFIV.)
    Constantine Cay. (Note: According to the Library of Congress, this book was co-authored by Barry Cork and Anne Britton.)
    Rockfire. (Note: According to the Library of Congress entry for the U.S. edition as White Fires Burning, this book was co-authored by Barry Cork and Anne Britton.)

DIXON, DEBRA. 1957-   . (Adding birth year for the author of three novels in CFIV.)

DIXON, PETER. 1903-1974. Born in Canada; died in Mexico. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author, and contents for his only title in CFIV.)
    Radio Sketches and How to Write Them. 1-act plays, some criminous: Bobby Benson and the H-Bar-O Rangers \ The Devil’s Tail \ Doctor Cheer \ Five Minutes \ Go Down, Moses \ Goin’ to Heaven on a Mule \ The Ham and the Heroine \ Helen Hayes \ The House Detective \ The Laugh \ Miss Tithinwither at the Prize Fight \ The Murder Mystery \ Pals \ Robinson Crusoe, Junior \ Seven Ages of Parenthood \ Sheet Music \ Want Ads \ Your Home and Mine

DIXON, W(ILLMOTT) WILLMOTT. Born in Douglas, Isle of Man, with birth registered as Willmott Dixon; a barrister before turning to writing and becoming a racing historian; died in Rye, Sussex, England. (Adding biographical details for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

DOBBINS, PAUL H.     1916-2004. (Adding the death date for the author of four titles in CFIV.)

DOBSON, CECIL COURTENEY. 1862-1898. Possible pseudonym: Cecil Courteney, q.v.

DODGE, MARY LOUISE. 1927-1997. (Deleting question marks on dates for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

DODS, MARY DIANA. 1790-1830. (Addings dates, though the death date is given as ca.1829 and 1845 in other sources, for the author of “Tales of the Wild and Wonderful” in CFIV, published anonymously in 1825.)

DOLAN, CHRIS. 1957-    . (Adding birth date for the author of “-Ascension” in CFIV.)

DOLARO, SELINA. Both titles were ghost-written by Edward Heron-Allen, 1861-1943, q.v.

DONAHUE, WILLIAM J. 1973-   . (Adding birth year for the author of “Snapdragon” in CFIV.)

DONFORD, PHIL(IP). For the author of “The Sakavamaka Revolt” in CFIV, the byline is probably a pseudonym, since no trace of such a person can be found.
    The Hogsmill Skeleton. Pentland, 2000 (Adding a new title.)

DONKIN, ANDREW. (Deleting the middle initial for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

DONOHUE, FRANK LAURENCE. ca.1869-1938(?). A lawyer, apparently born Francis Laurence Donohue in New York, the son of a judge. (Adding possible dates and biographical detail for the author of the 1896 novel “The Silver Arrow” in CFIV.)

DONOHUE, JOHN DANIEL MARIE-CELESTIN. 1892-1949. (Correcting the birth year and adding the death date for the author in CFIV under the pseudonym Jack Celestin.)

DONOVAN, DERRICK F. 1933-2014. (Adding death date for the author of “The Wastings” in CFIV under pseudonym Don Donovan.)

DONOVAN, DON. Derrick F. Donovan, 1933-2014. Born in London; went to New Zealand in 1960 and worked in advertising. (Adding death date for the author of “The Wastings” in CFIV.)

DOONE, RADKO. Name also given as Rada Doone. Pseudonym of Phyllis Maude Carbaugh Seldon, 1896-1966. Born in Kansas; died in California. (Adding real name and dates for author of the title below, along with a setting for the novel.)
    -Red Beard of the Yellow River. [China]
DORE, SUZANNE FAY BAKER. 1924-2014. (Adding the death year for the co-author, with Judith Fay, of “Hook, Line and Sinker,” in CFIV under the pseudonym Kate Nicholson.)

DORRANCE, ETHEL [ETHEL ARNOLD SMITH DORRANCE HICKEY]. 1880-1960(?). Adding possible death year for the author of four titles in CFIV.)

DOTCHIN, ARTHUR. 1882(?)-1969(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of the 1947 collection “Spiv’s Progress; or, Life Among Wide-Boys” in CFIV.)

DOUGLAS, DONALD. 1893-1966. (Adding dates for the author of “The Grand Inquisitor,” a 1925 novel in CFIV.)
    The Grand Inquisitor. [New York City.] (Adding the setting.)
DOUGLAS, MICHAEL. Douglas Crichton, 1948-2012. (Adding dates for the co-author, with his brother Michael Crichton, of “-Dealing; or, The Berkeley-to-Boston Forty-Brick Lost-Bag Blues” in CFIV.)
DOW, CULVER. 1989-    . (Adding the birth year for one of the co-authors of “The Adventure of the Glorious Scot”, a 1999 Sherlockian pamphlet in CFIV.)

DOWNES, JOSEPH. 1791-1860. (Adding the dates for the author of “The Mountain Decameron”, an 1836 collection in CFIV.)

DOWNING, MRS. H. 1778-1845. Death in Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, registered as Harriet Downing Oliver; possibly the Harriet Camilla Downing who married Charles Oliver in 1829. (Adding a correction and biographical detail for the author of “Remembrances of a Monthly Nurse”, a collection in CFIV..)

DOYLE, BERTHA CECIL. 1886-1961. Probable pseudonym: Cecil Haworth; name also given as Cecil Raworth.

DRACOTT, ALICE ELIZABETH. 1865-1909(?). Wife of a British civil servant in India. (Adding dates and biographical details for author of two titles in CFIV under the pseudonym A. E. D.)

DRYDEN, (ERNEST) VAUGHAN. 1873-1957. Journalist; born in Kings Norton, England; died in London. (Deleting question marks and adding birth place and death date and place for the author of “Uncle Alibi,” a 1943 novel in CFIV.)

DU BOIS, WILLIAM (HENRY THOMPSON). Born in St. Augustine, Florida; worked for the New York Book Review from 1926 to 1973 and its editor for many years; reported to be the silent co-author with Frank G. Slaughter, 1908-2001, q.v., for 27 of his books; died in Farmington, Connecticut. (Giving name in full, and adding biographical detail for the author of three novels in CFIV.)

DU CAMP, ALWYN (ERNEST). 1920- ? (Adding birth year for the author of “-Twana”, a novel in CFIV.)

DUCKWORTH, ALAN. A librarian. (Adding biographical detail for author in CFIV under the pseudonym Lorenzo Dali.)

DUNBAR, JOHN G. (Adding detail about the only title by this author in CFIV.)
    A Way to Adventure and two other stories. (Deleting the dash; all stories criminous.)

DUNNE, COLIN. Diane L. Browne, 1957-    .

DUOS, JOHN H. Pseudonym of John H. C. D. Cairns, 1876-1941. Birth registered as John Samuel C. Cairns in Southwark, London, England, but death registered in Plymouth as both John H. C. D. Cairns and John H. C. D. Duos. (Adding real name and dates for the author of four titles in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

EATON, FRANCES U(RANIA). 1846-1926. Died in Massachusetts. (Adding death year and place for author of “-A Fearless Investigator” in CFIV.)

EDMISTON, HELEN (JEAN MARY). 1913-2008. (Adding the death year for the author of “The Shape-Up,” a 1962 novel in CFIV.)

EDMISTON, (HELEN) JEAN (MARY). 1913-2008. (Adding the death year for the author of “Men of Letters,” a 1996 novel in CFIV.)

EDMONDS, HARRY (MORTON SOUTHEY). His birth and death registrations list his middle name thus, though his “Find a Grave” record gives Moreton. (Adding biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV; and details of a reprint of one of them.)
    The Red Invader. Apparently reset and revised and published thus by Macdonald in 1947.

EDSON, J(OHN) T(HOMAS). 1928-2014.

EDGAR, GEORGE (SLIDER).  (Adding middle name for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

ELGIN, (PATRICIA ANNE) SUZETTE HADEN. 1936-2015. (Adding death year for the author of five novels in CFIV.)

ELSON, ROBERT. 1870-1938. (Correcting the death date.)

EMERY, J(AMES) INMAN. 1879-1953.  (Correcting the birth date.)

EUSTIS, HELEN [HELEN WHITE EUSTIS]. 1916-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of two novels in CFIV.)


EVANS, VERA. 1905- ? (Adding a new entry for an author not in CFIV.)
    The House of Snow. Macdonald, 1947

EYRE, MARIE. Richard Hubbard, 1930-1974. (Adding the birth year for the author of eight novels in CFIV under this pseudonym.)

FAIRBANK, JANET AYER. Died in Wisconsin.

FARRELLY, RITA K. 1936-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

FERRIDGE, PHILIPPA. 1923-2008. Death recorded as Philippa Betty Mary Ferridge. (Adding death year and name then recorded for the author of two titles in CFIV under the pseudonym Philippa Wiat.)

FIELDING, A. SC: Chief Insp. Alfred Pointer. (Adding the first name for the character appearing in numerous titles by this author in CFIV.)

FINLEON, PATRICK CHARLES.  Ellen Spencer Danser, 1922-2013.

FISCHER, ERWIN. 1928-2005(?).

FISCHER, JOHN. Ruel Edward Fischmann, 1939-2013.


FITCH, A(BIGAIL) H(ETZEL). Born in New York City; died in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.

FLETCHER, H(ARRY) L(UFT) V(ERNE) FLETCHER. As unlikely as this seems, his second named is spelled Lutf on his birth and death registration. (Adding biographical note for the author of numerous titles in CFIV under this byline and the pseudonyms John Garden and John Hereford.) 


FLUKE, JOANNE. Ruel Edward Fischmann, 1939-2013.

FONTANA, JOE [JOSEPH SALVATORE FONTANA]. 1935-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

    The House with the Myrtle Trees. [London, 1890s]

FORREST, DAVID. Tedd Steele [Theodore Arthur Steele], 1922-ca.1993. (Adding an approximate death date for the author of “Torch of Violence” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

FORRESTER, MRS. JOHN [FRANCES EDITH WOODS FORRESTER]. 1848-1907. Born in West Bromwich, England; family went to Australia in 1852.
    -Myrtle. Robertson (Melbourne), 1891

FORSTER, GWYNNE.  Gwendolyn Johnson-Acsadi. 1922-   . (Correcting the birth date.)

FOSSUM, JACK [JOHN]. 1905-2004.

FOX, GEORGE RICHARD. 1930-2000. (Adding full name and dates for the author of “By Blood Alone,” in CFIV under the pseudonym Frank Corey.)
FRANKLIN, (STELLA MARIA) MILES. Show name thus, deleting “Lampe”, which was her mother’s maiden name. (Correcting the name and adding biographical detail for the author of “Bring the Monkey,” a1933 novel in CFIV.)

FRASER, HERMIA. 1902-1995.

FREEBORN, PETER. Pseudonym of J. Leon Israel, 1933-    . Other pseudonyms: Alexandra Frye, Peter Israel, qq.v.

FRIEDMAN, BARRY. 1916-2014. Add: graduate of Lafayette College and New York University School of Medicine; served as medical officer on a destroyer in the Pacific during WWII; had further training in orthopedic surgery; served on orthopedic staff of Mount Sinai Medical Center, Cleveland, and as professor of orthopedic surgery, Case Western Reserve University; after retirement was a consultant in San Diego, where he died.

FRYE, ALEXANDRA. Pseudonym of J. Leon Israel, 1933-    . Other pseudonyms: Peter Freeborn, Peter Israel, qq.v.

    A Setting for Murder. (Ghost-written by Thomas P. Ramirez, 1926-    . q.v.)

FULTON, JENNIFER. Pseudonym of Jennifer Knight, 1958-    . (Correction.) Other pseudonym: Rose Beecham, q.v.

GARDINER, BECKY. 1886- ? . Birth name: Rebekah McLean; married John B. W. Gardiner; death not traced. (Adding birth year and biographical details for the co-author, with Barbara Chambers, of “New York” in CFIV.)

GARSIDE, T. H.  Possibly Thomas Henry Garside, 1882-1947. (Adding possible full name and dates, and a publication correction for his only title in CFIV.)
    The Man with the Red Shirt and other stories. Correction: show publisher as: John Taylor (Manchester, England)

GEARON, JOHN. May well have been John Rex Gearon, 1911-1993. (Correction.)

GEDDES, PAUL. Pseudonym of John Allen, 1922-1994.

GEER, SHERRILL. Pseudonym of Shirley Geer Guralnick, 1935-     .

GENTLE, (ARTHUR) LIONEL. 1913-1998. (Adding full name and dates for author of two titles in CFIV.)

GEORGE, HELEN (PORTER). 1877-1914. See: W(alter) L(ionel) George, 1882-1926.

GEORGE, W(ALTER) L(IONEL). (Adding the co-author for one of two titles by this author in CFIV.)
    Olga Nazimov and other stories, with Helen (Porter) George, 1877-1914.

GERARD, FRANCIS (EDWARD MARIE). (Adding the second middle name for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

GETGOOD, LEO(NARD) JOHN. 1916-2000. Born in Lewisham, Kent, England; died in Nova Scotia, Canada. (Adding full first name, death year and biographical details for the author of “The 35-mm Trap” in CFIV.)
GIBBS, WILLA (ELIZABETH). (Adding middle name.) Born in Hanna, Alberta, Canada; author, journalist, researcher, publicity writer; lived for some time in Arabia; died in Palm Desert, California. (Adding biographical details for the author of “The Tender Men” in CFIV.)

GIBLIN, JOHN J(OSEPH). 1874-1969(?). (Adding possible death date.)
    Private Detective. Show publisher as: Oxford Press (Providence, Rhode Island) (Correcting publisher identification for the only title by this author in CFIV.)

GIBSON, L(ETTICE) S(USAN). 1859-1932(?).  These dates correspond to those of Lizzie Susan Gibson, who otherwise fits known information about the author, so L(izzie) S(usan) Gibson would appear to be her correct name. (Correcting the approximate death year for the author of “-The Freemasons”, a 1905 novel in CFIV.)

GIDDENS, THOMAS (HORACE LESLIE). 1867-1899. (Adding full name and dates for the author of “Tried and Acquitted,” an 1893 novel in CFIV.)
    The Mystery of the Open Window. [Paris]

GILBERT, NELSON RUST. 1866-1927. Born in New York; died in Little Falls, New York; a lawyer. (Adding death year and biographical details for the author of “The Affair at Pine Court” in CFIV.)

GILES, GUY ELWYN. (Correcting how one of two titles by this author in CFIV is represented.)
    Target...for Murder.
GILL, H(ERBERT) J. Director of a Fleet Street advertising agency; dates not traced because middle name not known. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “The Second Knife” in CFIV.)

GILLESPIE, EMER [EMER CATHERINE GILLESPIE ROE]. 1963-    . Born in London; married Mark R. Roe in 1993. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of two 1990s novels in CFIV.)

GILLIBRAND (WALKER), FIONA. ca.1960-    . Pseudonym: Fiona Brand, q.v. (Adding the real name and approximate birth year for the author of “Heart of Midnight” under the pseudonym in CFIV.)

GILMOUR, H(ARRIET) B. 1939-2009.

GILPATRICK, NOREEN [NOREEN GILPATRICK SMITH]. 1935-2012. Born in Pensacola, Florida; died in Mesa, Arizona.

GILPIN, W(ILLIAM) B(ERNARD). 1851-1939. Born in Cannock, Staffordshire, England; came to the U.S. in 1882; a trainer of horses; died in Queens, New York. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of two titles in CFIV.)
    -Ranch-Land. [U.S.]


GLASSPOOL, ALFRED J(OHN). 1849-1928. (Correcting birth date and confirming the death year for the author of “-Suspected; or, Under a Cloud” in CFIV.)

GLAYDE, ELIZABETH. (Deleting approximate birth date; surname very uncommon, and no dates traced; also in CFIV for “-Guilty Fingers,” 1937.)  See also: Philip (Howard Handley) O’Farrell, 1883-1943.

GLENDINNING, RALPH (ORTON). 1923-    . Born in New Jersey; living in Fairfield, Connecticut. (Correcting the birth year and deleting the possible death year for the author of two 1980s novels in CFIV.)

GLIDDEN, M(INNA) W(ESSELHOEFT). 1874-1958. Lived all her life in Massachusetts, and died in Dighton. (Adding death date and biographical detail for the author of two 1930s novels in CFIV.)

GODWYN, MARJORIE.  Author’s name spelled Godwin on the spine of the book; maybe this is the author’s correct name since no Marjorie Godwyn can be traced. (Adding information for the book and author of “Let’s Ask Aunt,” a 1936 novel in CFIV.)

GOLDBERG, HARRY. Delete entry.

GOLDBERG, HERSCHEL. 1901-1980. Pseudonym: Harry Grey, q.v.

GOLDBERG, LOU. 1900-1983. Born in New York City; a booking manager, producer, author, composer and songwriter who became Lewis Graham somewhere along the line, and his death in Miami was registered as such. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author, as Lewis Graham, of two 1933 novels in CFIV.)

GOLDBERY, EDWARD J. ca.1860- ?. Pseudonym: Goldey, q.,v. (Adding possible birth date for the author of “Tracked by a Woman,” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

GOLDEY. Edward J. Goldbery ca. 1860-   ? Born in Germany; represented Chicago publishers Rand McNally and then Laird and Lee; last name often misspelled in records; death not traced. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Tracked by a Woman; or, The Female Detective,” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

GOLDMAN, LAWRENCE (LOUIS). (Adding a correction for one of his several titles in CFIV.)
    Black Fire. Correct setting to: [San Diego, Mexico]

GOLDMAN, RAYMOND LESLIE. 1895-ca.1959. (Correcting the approximate death date.) Probably died in Nashville, Tennessee.

GOODCHILD, ROBERT. Pseudonym of Clarence Francis Snell, 1909-    . Born in Queensland, Australia, where he always lived; railway clerk, then travel agent from the late 1960s until retirement; death date not traced. (Adding real name, birth year, and biographical detail for the author of “A Grain of Salt” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

GOODING, KATHLEEN (TINNEY). 1911-1989. Born Kathleen Mary Tinney in Cardiff, Wales; married William G. Gooding in 1937; died in Somerset, England. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of “Belfriere” in CFIV.)

GOODNER, MARIE B(ROOKE). 1913-1966. Born Mary B. Mello in Santa Cruz, California; married Frank S. Goodner in 1941; died in Arlington, Virginia. (Correcting the dates and adding biographical detail for the author in CFIV under the pseudonym Marye Adams, q.v.)

GORDIMER, NADINE. 1923-2014.

GORDON, RUSSELL. 1910-1954. Apparently born Russell Gordon Silver in Michigan; death registration in Minnesota appears as both Russell Gordon and Russell Gordon Silver; mostly he dropped the Silver from his name, married a Minnesotan, Lila Anita Bremer, in Washington D.C., in 1943 as Russell Gordon, and fathered children as Russell Gordon. (Adding and correcting details, including dates, for the author of “Dead Level” in CFIV.)

GORE, MRS. [CATHERINE GRACE FRANCES MOODY GORE]. 1799-1861. Born in East Retford, Nottinghamshire, England; died in Linwood, Hampshire; author of more then 70 works. (Adding the full name and dates for the author of “Craigallen Castle; or, The Stolen Will,” an 1852 novel in CFIV.)

GOSLING, PAULA. 1939-    . Born Paula Louise Osius in Detroit; married Christopher Gosling in 1968, then John Hare in 1991. (Adding biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

    Murder for Dummies. Mysterious Bookshop pb, 1996 (21 pp.) [NYC]

GOVAN, ALLAN. Delete possible dates and middle initial for author of “Pearls of Death and other stories” in CFIV.

GOVER, (JOHN) ROBERT. 1929-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of “The Maniac Responsible,” a 1963 novel in CFIV.)

GRAHAM, (GEORGE) BURTON. 1911-2001. Born in Perth, Western Australia; died in Melbourne. (Adding the death year and biographical details for the author of two 1970s titles in CFIV.)

GRAHAM, LEWIS. 1900-1983. See: Lou Goldberg, 1900-1983.

GRAHAM, VICTORIA. 1944-    . Born Victoria Randall in Illinois; graduate of Oberlin College; a registered nurse; her last book (2013) was published as by Victoria Randall; living in Seattle where she works in the medical field; current married name apparently Barbosa. (Adding birth year and biographical details for the author of “The Witchstone” in CFIV.)
GRANBY, GEORGE. (Deleting the tentative 1900-1977 dates for the author of “The Secret of Musterton House”, a 1929 novel in CFIV.).

GRANGE, JEAN-CHRISTOPHE. 1961-    . Mystery writer, journalist, screenwriter and head of a press agency; born in Paris. (Adding birth year and biographical details for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

GRANGER, VIVIAN (HECTOR). 1919-1984. (Adding birth year for the author of “The Desperate Days” in CFIV.

GRANT, ELLSWORTH (STRONG). He was the brother-in-law of actress Katherine Hepburn. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Agenda for Murder” in CFIV.)

GRAUMAN, WALTER E(LIOTT). 1922-2015. (Adding death date for the co-author with Alan Armer of a collection of television plays in CFIV.)

GRAY, CHARLES EDWARD. 1926-2006. (Deleting question mark.)

GRAY, MARY AGATHA. Born in England and widowed when she arrived in the U.S. around 1906; death not traced.. (Adding detail for author of “-Like Unto a Merchant” in CFIV.)

GREELEY, ROBERT F(LEMING.) 1825-1893. A journalist, editor and printer who was born and died in New York. (Adding middle name and dates for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

GREEN, CHALMERS (DALTON). 1917-2008. Born in Iowa City, Iowa; died in Sacramento, California. (Adding middle name, dates and biographical detail for the author of “The Scarlet Venus” in CFIV.)

GREEN, GRACE. 1934-    . Born Grace Hendry Reid in Perth, Scotland; married John Sutherland Green in 1957; emigrated to Canada in 1967. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of “The Only Man to Trust” in CFIV.)

GREEN, HELEN. 1882-1960. Born Helen Tabour in Louisiana; married Broadway pianist and composer Bert Green and so acquired her byline; then married Frank Rumsey Van Campen, a mining engineer in Alaska; then George Cotter, contractor and big game guide; and finally radio personality Edwin C. Hill; journalist, photographer, short story writer, and film script writer; spent many years in Alaska.  (Giving corrections and additions for the author of “-Mr. Jackson” in CFIV.)

GREENE, L. PATRICK  Born in Daventry, Northamptonshire, England; died in Devon, with death registered as Louis Patrick Greene. (Adding biographical detail for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

GREENE, WARD (STORRS). Died in Havana, Cuba. (Adding middle name and place of death for the author of several titles in CFIV.)

GREENWOOD, KERRY. (Adding television dramatizations of titles by the author of ten novels in CFIV.)
    Cocaine Blues. TV episode: Every Cloud (Australia), 2012 (scw: Deborah Cox; dir: Tony Tilse)
    Death at Victori Dock. TV episode: Every Cloud (Australia), 2012 (scw: Shelley Birse; dir; Tony Tilse)
    The Green Mill Murders. TV episode: Every Cloud (Australia), 2012 (scw: Michael Miller; dir: Kate Dennis)
    Murder on the Ballarat Train. TV episode: Every Cloud (Australia), 2012 (scw: Elizabeth Coleman, Deborah Dox; dir: Kate Dennis)
    Raisins and Almonds. TV episode: Every Cloud (Australia), 2012 (scw: Michael Miller; dir: David Caesar)
    Ruddy Gore. TV episode: Every Cloud (Australia), 2012 (scw: Liz Doran; dir: David Caesar)

GREY, HARRY. Pseudonym of Herschel Goldberg, 1901-1980. Born in Odessa, Russia; came to the U.S. in 1905; changed the family name to Grey when writing about the syndicates that controlled businesses in New York in the 1920s and 1930s. (Correcting the real name and dates and adding biographical details for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

GRIBBLE, DOROTHY ROSE (JESSIE). 1917-2014. Add: died in Donnington, Newbury, Berkshire. (Adding death date and place for the author of the play “The Cask of Amontillado” in CFIV.)
GRIFFITH, MR. and MRS. E. J. [Emerson Jason Griffith, 1883-1964 and Winifred M. Twohy Griffith, 1892-1973]. He was born in California and was an agent for a steamship company; she was born in Minnesota; both died in San Mateo, California.. (Correcting the husband’s middle initial, adding dates and biographical information for the husband and wife whose 1933 novel, “The Monkey Wrench,“ is in CFIV.)

GRIFFITH, EMERSON JASON. 1883-1964. See: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Griffith.

GRIFFITH, JASON. Emerson Jason Griffith, 1883-1964, and Winifred M. Twohy Griffith, 1892-1973. (Adding full names and dates for the husband and wife whose 1933 novel, “The Monkey Wrench,” is in CFIV.)

GRIFFITH, WINIFRED M. TWOHY. 1892-1973. See: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Griffith.

GROSSVOGEL, DAVID ISAAC. (Adding middle name of author who is in CFIV for “The Case of the Underground Wedding” as by D. I. Grove.”)

GROVE, D. I.  David Isaac Grossvogel. (Adding middle name of the author of “The Case of the Underground Wedding” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

GROVE, WALT(ER WHITMAN, JR). 1921-1979. Born in Dallas, Texas. (Adding full name, corrected dates and birth place for the author of three novels in CFIV.)

GROVES, W(ILLIAM) E(RNEST). 1891-1966. Lived in Brighton, England, and died in Hove, Sussex. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of seven 1930s-1940s titles in CFIV.)

GUENTHER, JON (EDWARD). Software engineer and author of many similar novels 2000-2014. (Adding biographical information for the author of “War Bird” under the then house name Don Pendleton in CFIV.)

GUINEE, W(ILLIAM) B(ERNARD. ca.1840-1901. (Giving full name and approximate birth year for the author of two titles in CFIV.)
GUINNESS, K(ATHERINE) D(ORIS). 1905-1993. Birth place not identified; after her marriage to Owen Charles Guinness in 1927 she lived in Dublin, Ireland, where she died. (Correcting the birth year and adding the death date and biographical details for the author of “Fisherman’s End,” a 1958 novel in CFIV.)

GUSHEE, EDWARD T(ISDALE, JR). Native of Detroit, where he has worked for an advertising agency for many years. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Someone’s Picking Up the Daisies” in CFIV.)
GURALNICK, SHIRLEY GEER. 1935-    . Pseudonym: Sherrill Geer, q.v.

HADDOW, DEN(N)IS FOSTER. 1906-1970.  (Adding full name and dates for the author of “Hanged by a Thread” in CFIV.)

HADEN, (ROBERT) ALLEN. 1908-1983. Diplomat and journalist born in China, anddied in Cuernavaca, Mexico. (Adding full name, dates and biographical detail for the author of “My Enemy–My Wife” in CFIV.)

HAFFNER, MARGARET. Plant biotechnologist specializing in soybeans and working in England and Canada; born in Kingston, Ontario. (Adding biographical details for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

HAGGARD, RAYMOND (GORDON RIDER). 1921-2012. (Adding death date for the author of “Miss Ivory White” in CFIV.)

HAIN, MARY JEN(N)IFER. 1921-    . Pseudonym: M. Hayne, q.v.

HALE, JOHN (BARRY). 1926-2011. Born in Woolwich, London, England; died in Margate. (Adding death year and biographical details for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

HALL, (ADA) EDITH MACOMBER [MRS. FRANKLIN HALL]. ca.1856-1920(?). Born in Ohio; Master of Scientific Graphology; head of Department of Graphology at Chirological College of Los Angeles. (Adding biographical information and corrected possible dates for the author of the collection “The Black Trail” in CFIV.)

    You Play the Black and Red Comes Up. Add British edition: Cassell, 1938, as by Eric Knight

HALLIFAX, SYDNEY (ARTHUR). 1862-1905. Died in a Sanatorium near Cairo, Egypt. (Correcting death date and adding biographical detail for the author of “Annals of a Doss House,” a 1900 collection in CFIV.)

HANNA, FRANCES NICHOLS. Possibly born Frances Dean Nichols in South Dakota in 1912; possibly died in 1966. (Adding details for the author who wrote under pseudonyms Nikki Content and Fan Nichols in CFIV.)

HANSEN, RICHARD EARL. Living in the California Sierras. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Little Horses of the Devil” in CFIV.)
HANSEN, ROBERT P(OWELL). 1916-1969. Born in Hampstead, Long Island, New York; lived in Connecticut and later in California, where he died in San Luis Obispo. (Correcting the birth date and adding biographical detail for the author of eight titles in CFIV.)

HANSON, ERNEST SPENSER. 1860-1891. Born in Bradford, Yorkshire, England; died in Philadelphia; reporter and editor in Wilkes-Barr, Pennsylvania. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author, under the pseudonym Daniel Dane, of “Vengeance Is Mine” in CFIV.)
HARADAY, PHILIP. Pseudonym. (Adding information for the author of several 1930s titles in CFIV.)

HARDEN, ELIZA. 1868-1943. See: Elizabeth Harden.

HARDEN, ELIZABETH. Writing name of Eliza Harden, 1868-1943. Born in Wexford, Ireland, and died in Belfast. (Adding birth/death name and dates for the author of “Our Immortal Battle” in CFIV.)

HARDING, ROBERT. Most titles were intended for younger readers. (Adding a note for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

HARDING, WALLACE J(AMES). 1839-1899. A barrister. (Adding confirmed information for the author of “-The Bright To-Morrow” in CFIV.)

HARDY, GEORGE WEBB. 1867-1922. Add: a journalist. (Showing confirmed death date and biographical detail for the author of “The Black Peril; or, The Path to Prison” in CFIV.)
HARDY, THOMAS. (Adding a title for the author of “Desperate Remedies” in CFIV.)
    -A Laodicean. Sampson Low, 1881; Harper, 1881 [England]

HARRIS, CHARLAINE. (Adding a TV movie version of one of a number of titles by this author in CFIV.)
    A Bone to Pick. TV movie: Lighthouse, 2015 (scw: Teena Booth; dir: Martin Wood)

HARRIS, HYDE. See: Timothy (Hyde) Harris, 1946-    . (Adding a cross-reference for entries in CFIV.)

HARRIS, JOANNE. Born Joanne M. S. Short in Barnsley, Yorkshire, England, in 1964; married Kevin S. Harris there in 1988. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “-Chocolat” in CFIV.)
HARRIS, TIMOTHY (HYDE). (Adding detail for one of four titles by this author in CFIV.)
    Heat Wave. Delete the movie reference; the book was a novelization of a screenplay by Herschel Weingrod that was never filmed.

HARRISON, WILLIAM. Born in Wichita, Kansas and teacher at several Kansas schools; probably William Louis Harrison, 1926-2011, a retired Kansas public schools teacher. (Adding probable name and dates for the author of “Hell’s Full” in CFIV.)

HART, MAX. Pseudonym of (William) Macgregor Urquhart, 1916-1967, q.v.
    -The Long Vengeance. Allen & Unwin, 1965 [Hungary, 1956]
HARTLEY, OLGA (BEATRICE ROSALIE). 1881-1954. Born Olga Beatrice Rosalie Hertz in Hampstead, London, England; mother anglicized the family name to Hartley around 1898; died in Gloucestershire. (Correcting middle name and dates for the author of two titles in CFIV.)
HARVEY, MARION. 1894-1982. Died in Los Angeles. (Adding dates, with corrected birth year, for author of seven titles in CFIV.)

HARWELL, KING M(ILLER). 1914-1983. (Adding dates and middle name for the author of “The Killbride Mystery” in CFIV.)

HASWELL, MARGARET (ROSARY). Born in London, England and living in Aylesbury; an authority on rural development, involved in projects around the globe. (Adding biographical detail for author of “Murder on Pawley’s” in CFIV.)
HATCH, CONSTANCE V. 1953-    . (Correcting the first name spelling and adding birth year for the author of four Batman titles in CFIV.)

    The Man in the Monkey Suit. [New York City] (Adding the setting.)

HAVORD, HORACE. 1902-1981. Pseudonym: Conrad Phillips, q.v. (Giving name under which his birth and death were registered for the author of numerous novels under the pseudonym in CFIV.)
HAWKINS, JOHN. Born Olney John Hawkins, Jr., in Hamilton, Montana, but dropped the first name; died in Los Angeles; writer of fiction for magazines; screenwriter for television and film, alone and with his brother. (Adding biographical detail for the author, with his brother Ward Hawkins, of seven titles in CFIV.)

HAWKINS, WARD (C.). Born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; died in Los Angeles; writer of fiction for magazines; screenwriter for television and film, alone and with his brother. (Adding biographical detail for the author, with his brother John Hawkins, of seven titles in CFIV.)

HAWLEY, S(TEPHEN) R(ONALD). 1960-    . (Adding full name and birth year for the author of four novels in CFIV.)

HAWORTH, CECIL. Name also given as Cecil Raworth. Most likely the pseudonym of Bertha Cecil Doyle, 1886-1961. (Correction for the byline used as co-author of a book with Sidney Partrige, “The Mystery of Wall’s Hill,” in CFIV.)

HAWTHORNE, SALLY [SARAH REESE HAWTHORNE]. 1916-2012. With her husband Jack, she was a missionary to the Quechua Indians in Bolivia; also worked in New York’s Inner City and among Navajos and Mexicans in the Southwest; died in Arizona. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

HAYDEN, REYNOLDS H(OWARD). 1911-2005. Born in Washington D.C., and died in San Diego; served in the Marine Corps in WWII and after, then naval attache in Bangkok, then served in the Office of Naval Intelligence; settled in San Francisco after retirement; was employed by the Bank of America, and earned a B.A. in Creative Writing at San Francisco State College. (Adding dates, middle name and biographical details for the author of “Splended Murder” in CFIV.)
HAYDON, ERIC. 1894-1971. Journalist born in London, went to Australia in 1936, and died there in Victoria. (Adding death year and biographical details for the author of the 1932 novel “Rosanna” in CFIV.)

HAYNE, M. Pseudonym of Mary Jen(n)ifer Hain, 1921-    . Born in Melbourne, Australia; married Deryck Couchman in Sydney in 1955; apparently still alive. (Adding birth year and biographical detail for the author of “Don’t Look Now” in CFIV.)

HAYNES, MISS C(ATHERINE) D(AY) [CATHERINE DAY HAYNES GOLLAND]. 1793-1851. Born and died in London; married John Golland in 1821. (Correcting her marriage status at the time of the book, adding dates and biographical information for the author of “Eleanor’ or, The Spectre of St. Michaels” in CFIV.)

HAYNES, D(ANIEL) F(RANCO). ? - 1852. One time husband of Mary Shelley, sister of Shelley the poet; died in Surrey. (Adding death date and biographical detail for author of “Pierre and Adeline; or, The Romance of the Castle” in CFIV.)

HAYS, LEE. Correct dates from 1914-1981 to 1930-    .

HAYWOOD, JOHN CAMPBELL. 1860-    . Born in Bengal, India; still living in 1940. (Correcting the birth year and adding biographical details for author of “Driftwood and other tales” in CFIV.)
HEALY, D(OMINICK). Born in Northern Ireland; first name also given as Dominic. (Adding details for the author of four small paperback novels in CFIV.)
HEALY, DERMOT. 1947-2014.

HEALY, J(EREMIAH) F. (III). 1948-2014.
    The Holiday Fairy. Mysterious Bookshop pb, 1998 (18 pp.) SC: John Francis Cuddy [NYC]


HENDERSON, WILLIAM. 1853-1900. Born in Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland; died in Nice, France; was Chief Constable of Edinburgh. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of two short story collections in CFIV.)

HENHAM, (THOMAS) ERNEST G(EORGE). 1870-1948. Lived on Dartmoor for many years; died in Ferndown, Dorset, England. (Adding first name, correcting the death year, and adding biographical details for the author of “Krum,” a 1904 novel in CFIV.)

HENRY, ROBERT. Pseudonym and eventual legal name of Robert Henry Schmelzer, 1915-1990. Born in Passaic, New Jersey; died in DeLeon Springs, Florida; executive of advertising agencies. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of the novel “No Man Alone” in CFIV.)
HENRY, W(ILLIAM) A(LEXANDER). (Giving name fully.)
    The Red Kite. [airplane]

HERON-ALLEN, EDWARD. See also: Selina Dolaro.

HESSE, ALICE (WALSTER). (Adding maiden name.)

HEWSON, J(OSEPH) JAMES (BENJAMIN AUGUSTUS). 1852-1923. Journalist, playwright and writer. (Adding full name and dates for the author of “A Handful of Trumps.”)

HEYGATE, BARBARA. Possibly the pseudonym of Charles De Balzac Rideaux, 1900-1971. Other pseudonym: John Chancellor, q.v. (Adding possible real name of the author of eight titles in CFIV.)

HEYMANN, JODY [JOANN STERNBERG HEYMANN]. 1932-    . Professor, then Professor Emeritus of English at Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, Texas. (Correcting the birth year and adding biographical detail for the author of “Greystone’s Dilemma.”)

HICKOK, FRANCES [FRANCES LOUISE HICKOK CRETCHER]. 1892-1957. Add: died in Pittsburgh. (Adding the death year and place for the author of “An Eye for an Eye” in CFIV.)

HIGH, BERNARD G(EORGE). 1944-    . An actor who was born in Hertfordshire. (Adding birth year and biographical information for the author of the play “Ambush” in CFIV.)

HIGHLAND, DORA. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

HIGHSMITH, (MARY) PATRICIA (PLAUGMAN). (Adding further film versions of novels by this author, in CFIV for numerous titles.)
    The Cry of the Owl. Film: BBC Films, 2009 (scw & dir: James Thraves)
    Ripley Under Ground. Film: Cinerenta, 2005 (scw: W. Blake Herron; dir: Roger Spottiswoode)
    The Two Faces of January. Film: Timnick, 2004 (scw & dir: Hossein Amini)

HILL, ALBERT FAY. 1925-2014. Born in Hindsville, Arkansas; died in Denver, Colorado; graduate of Depauw University and Union Theological Seminary; chaplain at the U.S. Military Academy, West Point; pastor at several Presbyterian Churches; crusader against organized crime; cancer researcher.

    Lost Encounter. [Australia]

HILL, ARCHIE. ca.1927-1989. Born in Staffordshire and grew up in the Depression; author of several novels, some autobiographical; also a poet and journalist; died a suicide. (Adding dates and biographical information for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

HILL, DAVID (J.). 1940(?)-   . Writer for stage and screen who lives in Los Angeles and Mississippi. (Adding possible birth year and biographical information for author of “Butterfly Sunday” in CFIV, and adding a second title.)
    -Sacred Dust. Delacorte, 1996 [Alabama]

HILL, KATHARINE. 1886-1953. Born in Washington, D.C.; lived for a time in Connecticut, then New York City; died in Florida. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

HILLAS, NORMAN. 1894-1979. Native of Yorkshire, England and author of dialectal plays; died in Lancashire. (Adding death year and biographical details for author of two collections in CFIV.)

HILLIARD, (WILLIAM) MAURICE. 1931-1992. Born William M. Tweddle in Morpeth, England; legally changed his surname to Hilliard in 1955; died in Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
HIMMEL, RICHARD (C.). (Adding details for two of the numerous titles in CFIV by this author.
    -The Rich and the Damned.  (Adding the dash for minimal criminous content.)
    -The Shame. (Adding the dash to indicate a doubtful inclusion.)

HINCKLEY, JULIAN. Library of Congress gives a 1905 birth date for the author of the 1946 novel “Murder by Schedule” in CFIV. However, no such author/birth year can be traced, and the “notorious murder” on which the story is said to be based also cannot be traced. So the author’s name may well be a pseudonym. On the other hand, if LOC got the birth date wrong, there was a writer/novelist/playwright Julian Hinckley, 1884-1955, born and died in New York, with whom no direct connection to “Murder by Schedule” has been found.  Mystery remains.
    The Send-Off. Heinemann, 1957 (Correcting the publication date; the 1967 date in CFIV is incorrect.)

HITT, ORRIE (EDWIN). (Adding additional titles for the author in CFIV for two novels under this byline and two more as Nicky Weaver.)
    -Cabin Fever. Uni-Book, 1954
    -Four Women. Beacon, 1960
    -Hot Cargo. Beacon, 1958
    -Ladies’ Man. Beacon, 1957
    -Torrid Wench. Kozy, 1962
    -Untamed Lust. Beacon, 1960

HOBART, L. C. Apparently was in London in 1924, but no one of this name can be traced.
    -The Paper Moon. Arnold, 1924 [England] (Adding this title.)
    The Silken Scarf. [Malta] (Adding the setting.)

HOCKING, ANNE. (Adding a series character correction for one title by an author with numerous titles in CFIV.)
    Ill Deeds Done. Delete series character Chief Inspector William Austen

HODGES, (DR.) A(RTHUR) NOEL. House physician at the London Hospital with various postings elsewhere, finally in Boscombe, Bournemouth, Hampshire, where he died. (Correcting and adding biographical details for the author of “The Bancaster Mystery,” a 1932 novel in CFIV.)

HOLLINGWORTH, LEONARD. 1893-1978. A teacher of history and English. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of three novels in CFIV.)
HOLMES, J (AMES) GIBB. 1866-1940. Born in Birkby, Huddersfield, England; died in Somerset. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

HOLMES, MRS. M. E. Pseudonym of Margaret Holmes (Ernsperger) Bates, 1844-1927, q.v. (Adding real name and dates for the author of two novels in CFIV.)
HOLMES, ROBERT. 1868- ? Born in Nottinghamshire, with birth registered in the first quarter of 1869 (a birth date used in a couple of entries in COPAC); he was a warehouseman in 1891 and in 1901-1911 a “police court missionary”, probably like a chaplain. (Adding biographical details for the author of four story collections in CFIV, and deleting the suggested 1954 death date, which was for a Robert Wilson Holmes.)

    Fade Into Murder. Correct Australian publication to Shakespeare Head, Sydney, under the same title.
    Murder Makes Headlines. Delete reference to this title, which seems not be have been published as a book.

HONEYMAN, WILLIAM CRAWFORD. Add: born in Wellington, New Zealand, to emigrants from Scotland; mother Eliza (a dress maker and later operator of a boarding house) took him and three other children back to Scotland in 1849; he married Annie Cassels in 1872 and fathered six children, only one of whom lived to adulthood; teacher of violin and author of books on the instrument; died in Scotland.

HOPE, RICHARD. Pseudonym of E. P. Williams, 1929-    .

HOSKEN, ALICE CECIL SEYMOUR. Unacknowledged daughter of banker and M.P. John Seymour Keay, 1839-1909, according to her marriage certificate. (Adding biographical detail for the author in CFIV under the pseudonym Coralie Stanton.)
HOUSTON, R. B. Hugh C(rauford) Rae, 1935-2014. (Adding death year for the author of “Two for the Grave” in CFIV under this pseudonym.)
HOWE, MURIEL. Muriel Howe Smithies, 1912-2010. (Correcting the birth date and adding the death year for the author of three novels in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

HOWES, BETH [ELIZABETH H. HOWES]. 1920-2002. (Correcting the byline and adding dates for the author of “Mendocino Menace”, a 1998 novel in CFIV.)

HOWIS, ELAINE. 1900-2001. Born Elaine Vera Hope Vivian in Blean, Kent, England; married Rev. Arthur W. (Heriot)-Howis in 1925; died in Salsbury, Wiltshire. (Removing uncertainty about the dates and adding biographical details for the author of “Dazzle the Native”, a 1956 novel in CFIV, and adding a further title below.)
    The Lily Pond. Dent, 1957

HUBBARD, REGINA. Richard Hubbard, 1930-1974. (Adding the birth year for the author of “The Curse of Nightwind,” a 1975 novel under this pseudonym.)

HUBBARD, RICHARD. 1930-1974. Born in Connecticut, died in New York City though was living in Amagansett, New York; prolific author of some thirty-seven published works. (Adding birth year and biographical details for the author of numerous novels in CFIV under his own name and pseudonyms Chris Stratton, Marie Eyre and Regina Hubbard.)

HUBBELL, WALTER. 1851-1952. (Removing the death date uncertainty for the author of two titles in CFIV; one of which–see below–is being deleted.)
    The Great Amherst Mystery. Delete; this is a book about psychic phenomena.

HUBER, LOUIS J(OSEPH). 1907-   ? (Deleting the death date, which could not be traced, for the author of four collections of plays in CFIV. The middle name and birth year come from the Library of Congress.)

HUGHES, BARBARA. 1939-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Tower Park”, a 1973 novel in CFIV under the pseudonym Eleanora De Vincent.)
    The Story of Jim the Penman. Centennial Publishing (Melbourne, Australia), 1888 (Novelization of the play.)

    Bomber’s Moon. TV movie: BBC, 2008 (scw: Mick Ford; dir: Ciaran Donnelly)
    Gently Where the Roads Go. TV movie: BBC, 2008, as The Burning Man (scw: Peter Flannery; dir: Ciaran Donnelly)
    Gently with the Innocents. TV movie: BBC, 2009 (scw: Peter Flannery; dir: Daniel O’Hara)
    Gently Through the Mill. TV mvovie: BBC, 2009 (scw: Mick Ford; dir: Ciaran Donnelly)

IRBY, CHRISTIAN. She was either Louisa Christian Fellowes Irby, 1874-1942, or her daughter Christian Geraldine Mary Irby, 1914-1967.
    -Cardinal Molina. Cassell, 1938. U.S. title: The Cardinal’s Scar. Dodd, 1938 [Spain]
ISRAEL, J. LEON. Add pseudonyms: Peter Freeborn, Alexandra Frye, qq.v.

ISRAEL, PETER. Add pseudonyms: Peter Freeborn, Alexandra Frye, qq.v.

JACKSON, JACK. SC: Frederick Wardson, in both titles.

JACOBS, T(HOMAS) C(URTIS) H(ICKS). SC: Det. Insp. Ruggles Radford = RR.
    Appointment with the Hangman. RR
    Identity Unknown. RR (delete sc Chief Insp. Barnard)
    Silent Terror. RR

JAMES, LISA DEAN. 1947-    . (Adding the first name and birth year for the author in CFIV as Lisa Dean for several novels in collaboration with Chris Curry.)

JAMES, P(HYLLIS) D(OROTHY). 1922-2014. (Adding film/TV versions of two further novels by the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)
    -The Children of Men. Film: Universal, 2007 (scw; Alfonso Cuaron, Timothy J. Saxton; dir: Cuaron)
    Unnatural Causes. TV movie: Anglia Television, 1994 (scw: Peter Buckman; dir: John Davies)

JAMIESON, SANDY. (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    Own Goal. Ringwood (Glasgow), 1997 [1990]

    The Devil and the Deep. [Denmark]
    Honey Take Me. Correct to: Honey for Me

    Except the Dying. TV movie: Shaftesbury (Canada), 2004 (scw: Stuart MacLean; dir: Michael DeCarlo)       
    Under the Dragon’s Tail. TV movie: Shaftesbury (Canada), 2004 (scw: Janet MacLean; dir: John L’Ecuyer)

JESSE, F. TENNYSON. Note: This was a sort of pseudonym, since her married name was Mrs. Harold Harwood when she wrote the listed works. (Adding biographical detail for the author of a novel, a play and two collections of stories in CFIV.)

JOHNSON, DELORES R(OBINSON). 1939-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

JOHNSON-ACSADI, GWENDOLYN. 1922-    . (Correcting the birth date.)


JOSEPH, F. J. Author’s real anme given variously as Fritz Josefovics, Fritz Joss and Frederic Joss. Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1908; died in Hong Kong in 1967.
    Amateurs in Arms. Cassell, 1938; Carrick, 1939 [Germany, Spain]


    Ploot. [Canada]

JUDSON, EDWARD ZANE CARROLL. Adding possible pseudonym: Harrison Gray Buchanan. (Adding possible real name for the author of “Asmodeus; or, Legends of New York” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)
KAMAL, AHMAD, 1914-1989, and CHARLES G(ORDON) BOOTH, 1897-1949, q.v.
    The Excommunicated. Falcon Press, 1952; iUniverse, 2000 [Shanghai]

KAYE, WILLIAM (K.). 1948-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

KEIRSTEAD, B(URTON) S(EELY). D(onald) Frederick Campbell, 1906-1992.

KEMAL, YASHAR. 1923-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

KENT, JOHN. (Adding authorship information on one of two titles under this byline in CFIV.)
    Too Late to Die. (This title is not by Arthur George Balbernie, but is probably a reprint of one of the books listed under the pseudonym Kent Howard, q.v.)
KENYON, PAUL. Donald (C.) Moffitt, 1931-2014.

KERR, ARCHIBALD WILLIAM (MONTGOMERIE). 1873-1950. Died in Belfast, Northern Ireland. (Adding the year and place of death for the author of “-The Shadow of Drumcarnett,” a 1929 novel in CFIV.)

KERSH, CYRIL. 1925-1993.
    -The Diabolical Liberties of Uncle Max. Joseph, 1973 [England]

KIDD, MICHAEL (P.?). ca.1893(?)-1957(?).
    -Friendly Door. Mills, 1922 [India]

KILLIAN, DIANE. Diane L. Browne, 1957-    .

KING, SARA [SARA KING OLMSTED]. 1950-    . (Show byline thus for the author of “The Mall”)
KINSLEY, LAWRENCE (D.). 1941-    . (Correcting the birth date for the author of “The Red-Light Victim” in CFIV; the author is the son of the Lawrence Kinsley originally identified as the author in the bibliography.)
KNIGHT, JENNIFER. 1958-    . Born in New Zealand; living in the Midwest (U.S.). Pseudonyms: Rose Beecham, Jennifer Fulton, qq.v.

KNOWLTON, WINTHROP. 1930-    . Born in New York; was a U.S. Treasury official, CEO of a publishing house, president of the New York Ballet, and professor at Harvard University. (Removing birth date uncertainty and adding biographical details for the co-author, with George Goodman, of “A Killing in the Market”, a 1958 novel in CFIV.)


KOVACS, CATHERINE. 1921-2012. (Correcting first name spelling for the real name of the author of “Gently Into Night” under the pseudonym Katherine Coffaro in CFIV.)

    -Margins. Knopf, 1971 [NYC]

KRONE, CHESTER (W., JR.). 1935-2013.

KUPPNER, FRANK. 1951-    . (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    -A Very Quiet Street. Polygon, 1989

KURNITZ, HARRY. Note: Kurnitz was apparently not his birth name, and sources disagree on his birth year. (Adding biographical note for the author of several titles in CFIV under this name and the pseudonym Marco Page.)

LACHMAN, CHARLES. 1951-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

LAFFEATY, CHRISTINA. Add: Born in Johannesburg, South Africa; died in Hertfordshire, England.
    The Dark Pursuer. Hale, 1967
    Too Many Brides. Hale, 1967 [South Africa]

LAIKEN, DEIDRE. (Correcting the first name spelling.)

LAING, GERALD. Tedd Steele [Theodore Arthur Steele], 1922-ca.1993. (Adding the approximate death year.)

LAMONT-HAVERS, HALE. Born Hale Gabrielson; a criminologist living in Sudbury, Massachusetts. (Adding biographical detail for the author, under the pseudonym Katherine Hale, of “The Curse of the Redmonts” in CFIV.)

LAMOUREUX, NANCY. SC: Marian Bradbury, in both titles.

LANDAU, ROM(AULD).  (Adding full first name for the author of the 1947 collection “The Merry Oasis” in CFIV.)

LANGLEY, SARAH. 1927-2014. Add: born in New York City; had a Ph.D. in Anthropology and Archeology; participated in numerous archeological digs; died in Branford, Connecticut.

LANYON, JOSH. Pseudonym.

LA PIERRE, JANET. 1933-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of six novels in CFIV.)

LARSON, GLEN A(LBERT). 1937-2014. (Adding the middle name and death year for the author, with Roger Hill, of five novelizations of the “Knight Rider” TV series in CFIV.)

LARSON, MARVIN CLAIRE. 1925-2013. Pseudonym: Marvin Claire, q.v. (Adding death year for the author of “The Drowning Wire” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

LAWRENCE, DAVID. David Henry St. Lawrence Morris, 1920-2013.

LEAR, JOHN. George Bird, 1927-    . (Adding birth year for the author of “Death in Leningrad” in CFIV uunder the pseudonym.)

LEDERER, NORBERT (LEWIS). Born in Vienna of American parents; died in Paris; chemical engineer, chess player and author.

LEE, BARBARA. 1941-2001. (Correcting the birth date.)

LEHMAN, DENNIS (LEO). 1935-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

LEJEUNE, ANTHONY. Edward Anthony Thompson, 1928-2010(?). (Adding possible death date for the author of numerous novels in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

LENZ, SIEGFRIED. 1926-2014.

LESTIENNE, VOLDEMAR. 1931-1990. (Correcting the birth date.)

LEVINE, MURRAY. 1920–2013.

LEWIN, RITA SHULMAN. 1926-2014. Pseudonym: Rachel Lindsay, q.v. (Adding real name and dates of the author of two titles in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

LEWIS, C. A.  Probably Cecil Allen Lewis, 1921-2006. Real name of Allan Cecil, author of two novels in CFIV under the pseudonym.

LEWIS-BOWEN, KATHLEEN. 1911-1981. Pseudonym: Parr Cooper, q.v.

LILLY, RAY. Delete entry (title listed in CFIV, “The Sunday Alibi,” is not criminous.)

LINDSAY, RACHEL. Pseudonym of Rita Shulman Lewin, 1926-2014. (Correcting real name and adding dates for the author of two 1960s novels in CFIV.)

LLOYD, LAVENDER [LAVENDER BERYL LLOYD HYDE]. Born in Peshawar, Pakistan, daughter of a British army officer; lived in Kenya from the 1930s and married there in 1944; later lived in London where she died. (Adding biographical details for the author of “The Linton Memorial,” a 1957 novel in CFIV.)
LOCHHEAD, LIZ. 1947-    .
    True Confessions and New Cliches. Polygon, 1985 Contents: poems, sketches, squibs and one criminous ss: Phyllis Marlowe: Only Diamonds Are Forever

    Forbidden Barter. Jenkins, 1938 [Iraq]

LORIOT, NOELLE. 1925-2009.

LOWE, ROBERT (WILLIAM). 1916-2003.

LOWNDES, MARIE BELLOC. Full name: Marie Adelaide Elizabeth Julia Renee Belloc Lowndes; the Belloc part–her maiden name--does not appear in her death registration or probate entry, and she appears on electoral roles as Marie Adelaide Lowndes. (Adding biographical detail for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

McBAIN, HUGH. (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    The Brothers Gordian: Public Investigators. JordanBooks (Glasgow), 1993 [Glasgow]

McCAFFREY, HUGH. 1917-1988. (Corrections.)


McCLAIN, (WAYNE) ALLEN. (Adding the first name.)

MacDOUGALL, CARL. (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    The Lights Below. Secker, 1993 [Glasgow]

McFADDEN, JOSEPH T(EDFORD). (Adding the middle name.)

McGINNISS, JOE. 1942-2014.

MacGREGOR, RICHARD. Add pseudonym: Max Hart, q.v.
McGUIRE, SARAH. Was living in Canterbury, Kent, England. (Adding name, biographical information, and title for an author not in CFIV.)
    The Daughters of the House. Hale, 1980; St. Martin’s, 1980 [Scotland, South Africa]

McKELLAR, CAMPBELL (DUNCAN). Born in Hampton, Victoria, Australia; died in Middlesex, England; last name spelled MacKellar on death record. (Adding biographical information for the author in CFIV under pseudonym Hilarion.)

McMAHON, KAY. 1947-1992.

McNEILE, MICHAEL (A. M.). 1916-1983.

McPARTLAND, JOHN (DONALD). 1911-1958. Freelance journalist who lived the life he wrote about: he had a wife and son in Mill Valley, California, a mistress in Monterey who bore him five children, and a son by a third woman. (Correcting the death date and adding biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)
MACK, LOUISE [MARY LOUISA HAMILTON MACK CREED LEYLAND]. 1870-1935.  (Correcting the birth date and adding another of her marriages for the author of “-The World Is Round,” an 1896 novel in CFIV.)

MADDEN, E(DWARD) S(TANISLAUS). 1919-1998. (Adding the death year for the author of “Craig’s Spur” in CFIV.)

MAIS, S(TUART) P(ETRE) B(RODIE). Note: The Mr. Prosper series was intended for younger readers. (Adding information about three of the numerous titles by this author in CFIV.)
MALIN, PATRICK. Pseudonym of (Patrick) Rearden Conner, 1907-1991, q.v.
    -To Kill Is My Vocation. Cassell, 1939

MALLETTE, GERTRUDE E(THEL). (Adding a further title for the author of “Mystery in Blue,” as well as several titles as by Alan Gregg, in CFIV.)
    -Priceless Moments. Doubleday, 1947

MAMALIS, KATHLEEN B. 1923-    . Pseudonym: Mary K. Mamalis, q.v.

MAMALIS, MARY K. Pseudonym of Kathleen B. Mamalis, 1923-     .

MANN, JOSEPHINE. Josephine (Mary Wedderburn) Pullein-Thompson, 1924-2014.

MANTLO,  SUSAN (COULTER). 1959-    . (Correcting the birth date.)
MANUEL, DAVID (BURTON, JR.). 1936-2013.  A Christian author; graduate of Yale; served in the Naval Air Force; founder of publishing imprints; popular voice on Salem Radio in Boston; author of the two books listed in CFIV and two more later in the same series.

MARFIELD, DWIGHT (STEELE). SC: Insp. Dennis Skane. (Adding the first name for the character appearing in several novels by this author in CFIV.)

MARITANO, ADELA (KALOUSEK). Born in Chicago; died in Santa Cruz, California.

MARKS, GRACE (I.). 1919-2009.

MARLOW, MAX. Diana Mary Bachmann, 1950-    . (Adding the birth year for the co-author, with Christopher Nicole, of several titles in CFIV under this pseudonym.)

MARQUSEE, MIKE. 1953-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of “Slow Turn” in CFIV.)

MARSH, JEAN (LYNDSEY TORREN). 1934-    . (Giving name in full for the author of “-Iris” in CFIV.)

MARSHALL, ROBERT K(OSSUTH). Graduated from Guilford College in 1925; had a M.A. from Haverford College and studied at various other universities; Professor of English and Advanced Writing at Ohio Wesleyan University 1937-1969; died in Delaware County, Ohio. (Adding biographical details for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

MARTIN, JANE. 1937-    . Born Yvonne Jane Curry in Bournemouth, England; married John Martin in 1967, then Raymond Hatton in 1997; living in Cornwall.
    Mairi’s Wedding. Hale, 1975 [Scotland]

MARTIN, ROY PETER. 1931-2014.


MASON, BEVERLY LOUISE. 1927-2012. Born in Whitefield, New Hampshire; died in Portland, Maine. (Adding middle name, dates and biographical detail for the author of five novels in CFIV as Mary Bishop.)

MATHER, MELISSA. Melissa Mather Brown, 1917-2014. (Adding death year for the author of “Damien” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

MAXWELL, GERALD (MELBOURNE). Son of M(ary) E(lizabeth) Braddon [Mrs. John Maxwell], 1835-1915, q.v. (Adding middle name and further biographical details for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

MEAGHER, JOSEPH W(ILLIAM). Childhood polio left him with a twisted spine; worked for New York State Employment Services for 30 years. (Adding biographical details for the author of “Miss Bantling Is Missing” in CFIV.)

MEIKLEJOHN, AMBROSE. Pseudonym. (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    -Madrigal. Mills, 1925 [England]

MELCHIOR, IB (JORGEN). 1917-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of nine novels in CFIV.)

MELVILLE, JAMES. Roy Peter Martin, 1931-2014.

MERRILL, P. J. Holly Roth, 1915-1964. (Correcting the birth date.)

METCALF, SUSAN. Elizabeth Cecil Barley, 1911-1981. (Adding dates for the author of “Challenge of Evil” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

METCALFE, (WILLIAM) JOHN. (Adding a novel for the author of several other titles in CFIV.)
    -My Cousin Geoffrey. Macdonald, 1956

MEYERSTEIN, E(DWARD) H(ARRY) W(ILLIAM). SC: Terence Duke = TD. (Adding additional titles for the author with two titles in CFIV.)
    -Pleasure Lover. Palmer, 1925; Doran, 1925 TD
    Terence Duke. Constable, 1935 TD
    -Terence in Love. Palmer, 1928 TD
MICHAELS, STEVE. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

    Pima. Add [1894]

MILLER, LORETTA SCOTT. 1942-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

MITCHELL, CHARLES (SAMUEL). Editor of “The Veterinary Record,” 1954-1971; died in Weymouth, Dorset, England. (Adding further biographical details for the author of “Bentham, Q.C.”, a 1955 novel in CFIV.)

MIX, TERENCE (JOSEPH). Victor J(oseph) Rosen, 1933-1988.

MOFFITT, DONALD (C.). 1931-2014. Born in Boston; died in Monroe, Maine. (Adding place of birth and of death for the author, as Paul Kenyon, of eight novels in CFIV.)

MOLE, WILLIAM. William Anthony Younger. (Correcting spelling of the middle name of the author of several titles in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

MORAVIA, ALBERTO. Pseudonym of Alberto Pincherle, 1907-1990. (Correction.)

MORAY, SEBASTIAN. Peter G. Ashman, 1952-2013. (Correcting the dates for the author of “The Problem of the Salty Doggery”, a pamphlet in CFIV under his pseudonym.)

MORGAN, ROBERT. C(hristopher-John) J(ames) Henderson, 1951-2014.

MORGAN, WYNN L.  Chester (W.) Krone (Jr.), 1935-2013.

MORNINGSTAR, L(ILLIAN). 1898-1994. Born Lillian Fidelia Lyman in Illinois; married Ralph Morningstar in 1921; lived in Saginaw, Michigan 1920s to 1950s; died in Pinellas, Florida. (Adding dates and biographical details for the author of “Hour of Death,” a 1950 novel in CFIV.)

MORRISON, FREDA. (Adding an author not in CFIV.)
    -The Climate of Guilt. Eyre, 1956

MOSS, ROBERT (JOHN). Arnaud De Borchgrave, 1926-2015. (Adding the death year for the co-author, with Moss, of two titles in CFIV.)
MULLALLY, FREDERIC (RHONDA). 1918-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)


MURRAY, HENRY DOYLE. 1866-1952. (Adding the real name and dates for the author of “The Blonde Dream and Other Wampus Creek Mysteries” in CFIV under the pseudonym Rubio Blanco.)

MURRAY, WILLIAM (BUCKLEY). 1926-2005. (Adding middle name and dates for the author of numerous novels in CFIV.)

NEWBOLD, H(ERBERT) L(EON). 1921-1994. A doctor in New York; author of medical books and, apparently, several novels under pseudonyms. (An entry for an author not in CFIV.)
    -Long John. Stuart, 1979 [New York City]

NEWELL, MINDY (C.). 1953-    . (Adding middle initial and birth year for the co-author, with J. J. Bird and Michael Bair, of the graphic novel “Catwoman: Her Sister’s Keeper“ in CFIV.)

NEWSOM, J(OHN) D(IMMOCK). Born in Shanghai, where his American father was on business; grew up and educated in France; first American to join the British Army in WWI; editor, journalist, and prolific author for Argosy and Adventure magazines, especially of Foreign Legion stories; once director of the Federal Writers’ project; died in a liner off Italy and cremated in Rome. (Adding biographical details for the author of two collections in CFIV.)

NICHOLAS, JAMES. Kenneth Nicholas Walthew, 1917-2010. (Adding the death date for the author of “Blind Drop” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

NICHOLSON, KATE. Suzanne Fay Baker Dore, 1924-2014. (Adding the death date for the co-author, with Judith Fay, of “Hook, Line and Sinker” in CFIV under this pseudoym.)
NILE, DOROTHEA. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

NIXON, ALLAN. (Add a new title for the author of four titles in CFIV.)
    The Last of Vicky. Warner pb, 1966  [Los Angeles]

NOONE, EDWINA. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

NYBERG, ROBERT (ARVID). 1929-1989.

O’CONNOR, ALISA ZINOVYEVNA ROSENBAUM. 1905-1982. Pseudonym: Ayn Rand, q.v.

    The Slitting of Mr. Crispe’s Nose. Correct publication date to: 1940

OEMLER, MARIE CONWAY. Birth name Mary Virginia Conway; married John Norton Oemler in 1901; died in Charleston, South Carolina. (Adding biographical details for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

    The Sale of a Soul, with Elizabeth Glayde, q.v. Pearson, 1913 (Adding a further title for O’Farrell, in CFIV for a 1919 collection, “Flippant Fiction”.)

O’KANE, JESSIE CHAMPION MAYELL. Her husband was W(illiam) M(cKeag) O’Kane, 1870-1952, q.v. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Martha the Medium,” a collection of tales in CFIV under the pseudonym Jessie Champion.)

O’KANE, W(ILLIAM) M(cKEAG). His wife was Jessie Champion Mayell O’Kane, 1884-1975, q.v. (Adding biographical details for the author of “Guppy Guyson” in CFIV.)

OLIVER, JOHN RATHBONE. Add: had degrees from Harvard (A.B.), University of Innsbruck (M.D.), Johns Hopkins University (Ph.D.) and General Theological Seminary; professor at several universities; on clergy staff of Mount Calvary Episcopal Church in Baltimore; had a reputation as a criminologist through work as a psychiatrist in the Baltimore courts; a collector of rare books, and a novelist.
OPENSHAW, GEORGE HARRY. 1882-    . Birth in Birmingham, England, registered as George Henry Openshaw; probably died in Kenya, to which he sailed in 1946, apparently intending to live there.

ORIOL, LAURENCE. Noelle Loriot, 1925-2009.

ORSAT, JEAN-FRANCOIS. 1924-   . (Adding the birth year for the author of several novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Jean D’Astor.)
OSBOURNE, (SAMUEL) LLOYD. Stepson of Robert Louis Stevenson, 1850-1894, q.v.; died in Glendale, California. (Adding first name and biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

PACKER, JOY (PETERSEN).  (Correcting maiden name for the author of two titles in CFIV.)

PAINE, LAWRENCE BOSWORTH. Born Lawrence Kerfman Duby, Jr., in Duluth, Minnesota; legally changed his name in the 1930s; died in Yreka, California. (Adding biographical details for the author of very numerous titles in CFIV under many pseudonyms.)

PANEK, RICHARD J. 1958-    . Pseudonym: W. J. M. Brady, q.v. (Giving real name and birth year of the author of “A Genius by Moonlight” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

PARK, MALCOLM. 1900-1963. A Colonial Agricultural Officer who worked in Ceylon, Antigua, Nigeria, etc. (Adding death year and biographical details for the author of “The Honest Rogue,” a 1947 novel in CFIV.)

PARK, WILLIAM R. (SR.). Author, columnist, teacher, lecturer, and past president of three advertising agencies.

PARKER, ORIN (DEAN). 1923-2014. Born in Parker, Idaho; died in Oceanside, California; had several postings overseas (Athens, Greece, Ankara, Turkey, Baghdad, Iraq, and Beirut, Lebanon); active in American Friends of the Middle East and eventually president of the organization; author of several novels.

PARROTT, (KATHERINE) URSULA. 1899-1957. Born Katherine Ursula Towle in Boston; graduated from Radcliffe College; married Lindesay Marc Parrott in 1924, then Charles Terry Greenwood in 1932, then John J Wilberg in 1934, then Alfred Coster Schermerhorn in 1939 (divorced 1944); died in poverty in New York City.
    Island of Fear. (Title correction.)

PEASE, R(OBERT F.). 1923-2014.

PEMBERTON, MAX JOSEPH. Birth registered as Max Tussaud Pemberton and death is under Max Joseph T. Pemberton; Tussaud was his mother’s maiden name. (Adding biographical details for the author of six novels in CFIV.)


PERSSE, H. S. “ATTY” [HENRY SEYMOUR PERSSE], 1869-1960, and A(RTHUR) J(AMES) RUSSELL, 1885-1953, q.v. Persse was born in Galway, Ireland, and died in Windsor, Berkshire, England; a successful jockey and trainer. (Adding a new author, with biographical details, and a new title with its film adaptation, none of which is in CFIV.)
    -Trainer and Temptress. Mills, 1924 [England] Silent film: Astra-National, 1925 (dir: Walter West)

PETRI, (ARTHUR) DAVID. 1924-1988.

PHILLIPS, ARTHUR. Toronto advertising executive.

PHILLIPS, CONRAD. Pseudonym of Horace Havord, 1902-1981. (Giving the real name and dates for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

PICKTHALL, (MOHAMMED) MARMADUKE (WILLIAM). Converted to Islam in 1917 and noted for his translation of the Koran; headmaster, novelist, and editor of the Bombay Chronicle in India 1920-1935; died in St. Ives, Cornwall. (Adding further biographical details for the author of two collections of stories in CFIV.)


PINCHERLE, ALBERTO. 1907-1990. Pseudonym: Alberto Moravia, q.v.

POLLARD, FRANK [GEORGE FRANCIS GREGORY POLLARD]. 1906-1968. Born in Norfolk, England; spent most of his life in Cornwall, where he died. (Corrected entry for the author of “-Virtue Undone; or, The Carefree Smuggler,” a 1930 novel in CFIV.)
    The Treasure of Looters’ Isle. [Brazil] (Deleting the dash.)

POTTER, ARLINE (KLEIN). 1925-2012.

POWELL, S(YDNEY) W(ALTER). 1878-1951. (Correcting the death year for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

PRATCHETT, TERRY (DAVID JOHN). 1948-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of five titles, listed with dashes, in CFIV.)

PRITCHARD, STUART (MARSHALL). 1921-2014. Born in Hagerman, New Mexico; died in Roswell, New Mexico; served in the Army Air Corps in WWII; operated McDonald’s restaurants after the war; political cartoonist and historian.



PYKARE, NINA (ANN) COOMBS. SC: Kate Kettering, in “Death Comes for Desdemona” and subsequent novels.

QUEST, ERICA. Nancy Buckingham Sawyer, 1924-    . John (Lester) Sawyer, 1919-1992. (Deleting her death date and correcting his death date for the authors of seven novels under this pseudonym.)

QUINN, OLGA. Born Olga Hammond Day in Denton, Lancashire, England; married Benedict Michael Quinn there in 1959; was in Australia by 1980 and in Tasmania by 2002. (Adding biographical detail for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

RAE, HUGH C(RAUFORD). 1935-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

RAIS, FRANCOISE. Pseudonym: Georges Barcelone, q.v. (Adding the real name for the author of “Pass Word” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)
RAMSEY, DIANA. (Adding the film version of one of five titles by the author in CFIV.)
    The Dark Descends. Film: Rockville Pictures, 2004, as Noise (scw: Lance Doty; dir: Tony Spiridakis)

RAND, AYN. Pseudonym of Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum O’Connor, 1905-1982.

RANDALL, THOMAS. George Walker Clarke, 1895(?)-1965(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “-Virtue OK’d” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

RAYNOR, MOLLY. 1903-1976. Born Molly Rayner in Dunedin, New Zealand; married John McIntosh Beattie; death in Australia registered as Mollie Beattie.

REAVES, (HOMER) BRUCE. (Adding the first name.)

REED, CHRISTOPHER (KING). 1950-    . (Correcting the birth date.)

REED, MORTON (CLIFFORD). 1932-2012. Born in Brooklyn; died in Las Vegas; psychologist, screenwriter, film executive, and entrepreneur who lived many years in Los Angeles.

REEVES, ROBERT. 1912-1945. Add: was serving with the 500th Bomb Command in the Philippines when he died.

REILLY, HELEN. Birth name: Helen Margaret Kieran.

REILLY, HUGH. (Adding an author and title not in CFIV.)
    Kelly! Embros (Glasgow), 1996

RETTKE, MARIAN POPE. 1927-2015. Born in Hazard, Kentucky; graduate of Maryville College and had master’s degree from University of Tennessee; an instructor in communications at Evansville College and in English at Central Piedmont Community College. (Adding death date and biographical details for the author of “Miss Osborne Misbehaves”, a 1990 novel in CFIV under the pseudonym Marian Devon.)
REYNOLDS, MRS. FRED [AMY DORA PERCY WILLIAMS REYNOLDS]. 1860-1957. (Correcting the birth date for an author with several titles in CFIV.)


RICE, JAMES (SAMUEL). Joint pseudonym with Walter Besant: B. and R., q.v. (Identifying the authorship of “Helen Elwood, the Female Detective; or, A Celebrated Forger’s Fate” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

RICH, NICHOLAS. Pseudonym of Charles (Arthur) Whitman, 1906-1984, q.v. (Giving the real name and dates for the author of three 1970s novels in CFIV.)

    That Man Markham. Longmans, 1938. Revised and also published as: The Day Will Come. Longmans, 1938 [England]

RIDEAUX, CHARLES DE BALZAC. Other possible pseudonym: Barbara Heygate, q.v. Note: His birth was registered as Ernest Charles de Balzac Willett, but his death as Charles Rideaux; this apparently represented an early name change for the entire family. (Adding biographical details for the author of several novels in CFIV under the pseudonym John Chancellor.)
RIFBJERG, KLAUS (THORVALD). 1931-2015. (Adding death year for the author of “Anna (I) Anna”, a translation published in the U.S. in 1982.)

ROBERTSON, A(RCHIBALD) NUGENT. Born in London; was in Sydney, Australia by 1897; a barrister; died in Mona Vale, New South Wales. (Adding biographical details for the author of “-Her Last Appearance,” a 1914 novel in CFIV.)

ROBERTSON, HELEN. Helen (Jean Mary) Edmiston, 1913-2008. (Adding the death year for the author of several titles under the pseudonym in CFIV.)
    The Winged Witnesses. [Scotland] (Correcting the setting.)

ROBINSON, JOHN W. 1928-2014.

ROCHE, PETER. This was identified by WorldCat as the pseudonym of Malcolm Hincks. Presumably this was not Cyril Malcolm Hinck, in CFIV, since he died in 1954. Other possibilities include Walter Malcolm Hincks, 1884-1960, Victor Robert Malcolm Hincks, 1915-1985, and Reginald Malcolm Hincks, 1917-1971; no way found to choose among them.
    Dean of Clonbury. Wright, 1957 (Title moved from Peter de la Roche entry in CFIV.)

ROSEN, VICTOR J(OSEPH). 1933-1988.

ROTH, HOLLY. 1915-1964. Born Helen Marjorie Roth in New York, daughter of Benjamin Roemer Roth and Frances Ethel Ballard Roth; married Joseph Franta in 1960; died at sea in a mysterious accident off Morocco. (Correcting the birth year and adding biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

RUGARLI, GIAMPAOLO. 1932-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of “The Crux”, a 1990 novel in CFIV in translation.).

RUSSELL, JACK GOLDEN. 1922(?)-1999(?).

SACHS, EMANIE (LOUISE) N(AHM).  Note: Her death notice lists her as Emanie Arling Philips, with the Philips coming from her 1963 marriage to August Philips; she was apparently  married to and divorced from Walter Sachs earlier; the source of the Arling is unclear. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “The Octangle,” a 1930 novel in CFIV.)

SAINT MAUR, HARRY. 1845-1907. Born Henry Marshall Watson in London. (Correcting birth date and adding publication detail for the title below.)
    A Railway Mystery. Add Australian edition: Robertson, 1891

SANDERSON, AVERIL D.  Note: She married Henry Sanderson Furniss in 1902; in 1931 her husband was made a peer and took the name Lord Sanderson; her death was registered as Averil Sanderson, so she seems to have dropped the Furniss part completely, though her husband’s death was registered as Henry S. Furniss, Baron Sanderson. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Long Shadows,” a 1937 novel in CFIV.)

SANDYS, SYDNEY.  Deleting the possible middle names and dates for the author of “Jack Carstairs of the Power House” in CFIV.)

SANGER, JOAN (ELIASBURG). Note: One source gives her name and birth date as: Joan (Dorothy Eliasberg) Sanger, 1897-1960. (Adding detail for the author of “The Case of the Missing Corpse,” a 1936 novel in CFIV.)

SARGENT, PATRICIA [PATRICIA SARGENT ZEGART]. 1919-2009. Died in Nyack, New York. (Correcting the birth year and adding death year and death place for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

SAVORY, CHESTER J. 1922-2014. U.S. Counter Intelligence Officer, historian and insurance company executive; died in Brooklyn. (Adding death date and biographical detail for the author of “Remembrance and the Honorable Cross,” a novel in CFIV.)
SAWYER, JOHN (LESTER). 1919-1992. Worked in advertising, and was director of an advertising company. (Correcting the death year and adding the middle name and biographical detail for the author, with his wife Nancy Buckingham Sawyer, of numerous titles in CFIV under the pseudonyms Nancy Buckingham and Erica Quest.)

SAWYER, NANCY BUCKINGHAM. 1924-    . John (Lester) Sawyer, 1919-1992. (Deleting her death date and adding his death date for the authors of numerous titles in CFIV under the pseudonyms Nancy Buckingham and Erica Quest.)

SCANLON, (JOHN) NOEL. ca.1932-    . Born in Donegal, Ireland. (Adding first name, approximate birth year and birth place for the author of two 1970s novels in CFIV.)

SCHREIBER, LOUIS (MOSES). 1925-2010. Real estate developer in Montreal. (Correcting middle name/initial and adding dates and biographical detail for the author of “Dangerous Games” in CFIV.)

SCOTT, HARDIMAN. Note: His birth was registered as Jack Hardiman Scott, while his death is under both Peter and Jack Hardiman Scott, so apparently Jack was his actual first name but he preferred Peter.

SELDON, PHYLLIS MAUD CARBAUGH. 1896-1966. Pseudonym: Radko Doone (also given as Rada Doone), q.v. (Adding real name and dates for the author of “Red Beard of the Yellow River” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

SENSENIG, GARY PAUL. 1950-    . Pseudonym: Hy Conrad, q.v.

SHAMBLEN, JAMES WILLIAM. 1928-2014. Born in Niagara Falls, New York; died in Fullerton, California; served in the merchant marine during WWII, after the war served in the Military Police in Germany; later worked on various projects in North Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. (Adding death date and biographical details for the author of three novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Simon Coe.)

SHERIDAN CLAIRE (CONSUELO FREWEN). Lived in Ireland as a child; death registered in Bridport, Devon, England. (Correcting spelling of maiden name and of biographical details for the author of “-El Caid,” a 1931 novel in CFIV.)

SHERMAN, CHARLOTTE. Jory (Tecumseh) Sherman, 1932-2014.


SHIMER, R(UTH) H. 1924-2014. Born in Chicago; died in Hollister, California; 1946 graduate of University of Chicago in Medieval History; a teacher and novelist. (Correcting birth date, adding death year and biographical details for the author of three 1970s titles in CFIV.)

SHIVERS, LOUISE. 1929-2014.

SHMUELI, ALFRED. 1930-2007. Born in Iraq; fled to Iran and then Israel, where he studied law, philosophy and history at Hebrew University; settled in London in 1969. (Adding death year and biographical details for the author of “-Murder in the Kibbutz”, a 1993 novel in CFIV.)
SIEGEL, DORIS. Born Doris Genevieve Taylor in New York City; married William Ely Siegel in 1932; died in Santa Barbara, California.

SILVER, RUSSELL GORDON. 1910-1954.  See: Russell Gordon.

    -The Book of Skulls. Scribner, 1972 [Arizona]

SIMON, NJAMI. Correct to: NJAMI, SIMON. 1962-    . (Byline correction for author of “Coffin & Co.” in CFIV.)


SMITH, HOWARD W(ILLIAM). 1895-1962. Born in Denver; died in New York City; received D.Sc. from Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health; Professor at New York University College of Medicine.
    -The End of Illusion. Harper, 1935; Cassell, 1936 [Malaysia]

SMIITHIES, MURIEL HOWE. 1912-2010. Died in Ambleside, Cumbria, England. (Correcting the birth date and adding the death year for the author of three novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Muriel Howe.).

SMYTH, WALTER (JOHN). 1887-1970. Born in Norwich, Norfolk, England; sailed to New Zealand in 1906; worked in advertising; lived mainly in Christchurch, where he died.
    -Jean of the Tussock Country. Mills, 1928 [New Zealand]

SNELL, CLARENCE FRANCIS. 1909- ?. Pseudonym: Robert Goodchld, q.v. (Adding real name and birth date for the author, under the pseudonym, of “A Grain of Salt” in CFIV.)

SPENCER, FLOYD ALBERT. 1895-1978. Note: Records do not agree on his birth date: the Social Security Death Register gives 1899, which is commonly used for his birth, and an obituary agrees with this, but his WWII draft registration gives October 23, 1895 in Bedford, Iowa, as his birth, and familysearch also gives October 1895 in Iowa. (Correcting the birth date and adding biographical details for the author, with his wife Paula Teresa Bayne Spencer, of three novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Spencer Bayne.)

SPENCER, GEOFFREY. Add pseudonym: Michael Chesney, q.v.
SPENCER, PAULA TERESA BAYNE. Born in Peru, Illinois, and died in Napa, California. Floyd Albert Spencer, 1895-1978. (Adding biographical detail for her and correcting his birth date for the authors of three novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Spencer Bayne.)

STAFFORD, JEAN (WILSON). Note: This was her maiden name and a sort of pseudonym since she was married (to Robert Lowell, Oliver Jensen, and Abbott Liebling) when using it. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “-The Catherine Wheel” in CFIV.)

STANLEY, ARTHUR. Arthur Stanley Megaw. Had a reputation as an anthologist. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “The Monkhurst Case” under this pseudonym.)


STANNERS, H. H. This was apparently a sort of pseudonym for Harold Stanners, 1894-1958, as his name is only listed thus in official records. (Adding biographical details for the author of three 1930s novels in CFIV.)

STANNERS, HAROLD. 1894-1958. See H. H. Stanners.

STARNES, JOHN (KENNETT). 1918-2014. Born in Montreal and died in Halifax, Nova Scotia; Canadian novelist, diplomat and ambassador. (Adding death year and biographical detail for the author of five novels in CFIV.)

STEELE, FREDERIC DORR. 1873-1944. (Correcting the dates.)

STEELE, TEDD [THEODORE ARTHUR STEELE]. 1922-ca.1993. (Adding approximate death date for the author of “Artists, Models and Murder” in CFIV.)


STEWARD, BARBARA (F.). 1939-2012.  (Adding the death year for the co-author with husband Dwight Steward of two 1970s titles in CFIV.)

STEYTLER, MABEL GRACE.1880-1954. Pseudonym: Yelva Burnett, q.v. (Adding the real name, with dates, for the author of “-Richard Forrest’s Folly” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

STILGOE, RICHARD. 1943-    .
    The Richard Stilgoe Letters. A Jumble of Anagrams. Allen & Unwin, 1981 Contents: humorous bits and pieces, plus a few ss, one criminous: “The Spy Who Loved Everybody”

STIRLING, JESSICA. Margaret M. Coghlan, 1917-2002. (Correcting the birth date and adding the death year for the co-author, with Hugh C. Rae, of “Lantern for the Dark” in CFIV under this pseudonym.)
STOKES, KAREN (KAY). 1937-2014. Born and died in Kansas; airline stewardess, model, and self-published author. (Adding dates and biographical detail for the author of “Next Time” in CFIV.)

STONE, ROBERT (ANTHONY). 1937-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of four novels in CFIV.)

STRATTON, CHRIS. Richard Hubbard, 1930-1974. (Adding the birth year for the author of eight novels in CFIV under this pseudonym.)

STRELKOVA, IRINA (IVANOVNA). 1924-2006. (Adding the death year for the author of “Theft from a Provincial Museum” in CFIV.)

STRONG, ROBERT HEDLEY. 1924-2008. (Adding the death year for the author of seven titles in CFIV.)
STUART, SIDNEY. Add pseudonym: Sylvester Avantiere, q.v.

SYME, RONALD [NEVILLE ROWLAND SYME]. 1910-1991. Born in Formby, Lancashire, England; died on the Cook Islands. Author of children’s books who admitted to writing crime fiction under a pseudonym, which so far has remained unidentified. (New entry, not in CFIV.)

SYVERTSEN, RYDER (OTTO). 1941-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of several titles in CFIV.)

TARPEY, J(ESSIE TOLER) KINGSLEY. Died in Hampstead, England. (Correcting middle name spelling and adding death place for author of “The Bulldog Murder” in CFIV.)

TATE, SYLVIA [SYLVIA EVELYN TATE BATES]. 1923(?)-2005(?). (Adding full name and possible dates for the author of “Never by Chance” in CFIV.)

TEFS, WAYNE. 1947-2014.

TEILHET, HILDEGARDE TOLMAN. 1905-1999. Born Blanche Hildegarde Tolman in Arizona; died in Los Angeles. (Correcting birth year and adding biographical detail for the author of eight novels written or co-written by her in CFIV.)

TELFER, DARIEL (DORIS). 1909-1987. (Correcting the birth year for the author of three 1960s titles in CFIV.)

TEMPLETON, EDITH. Note: She was born Edith Pole, married William S. Templeton in 1939, and then in 1955 married Edmund Ronald, so she was Edith Ronald when her listed book was published. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Murder in Estoril,” a 1992 novel in CFIV.)

    Two in the Morning. Cassell, 1933

THOMPSON, EDWARD ANTHONY. 1928-2010(?). Journalist for the Daily Express and Sunday Times; crime fiction reviewer, radio broadcaster, and editorial director in 1970s for short-lived publisher Tom Stacey. (Adding possible death date and biographical details for the author of numerous titles in CFIV under the pseudonym Anthony Lejeune.)
    Peace in the Streets. (Author) pb (Tucson, Arizona), 1986

THWAITES, FREDERICK J(OSEPH). 1908-1979. Born in Blamain, Sydney, Australia and died in Sydney; popular writer of fiction, with many Australian best-sellers, some filmed and others read or dramatized on radio; founded two publishing companies; traveled widely around the world. (Adding biographical detail and a new title for the author of a number of books in CFIV.)
    Broken Wings. Jackson (Sydney), 1934; Eyre, 1935 [Australia]

TILMAN, GARY WAYNE. 1947-    . Pseudonym: A. G. Christian, q.v. (Adding the real name of the author of “The Harani Trail” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

TORDAY, URSULA JOYCE. (Adding the middle name.)

TRENCH, JOHN (CHENEVIX). Born John Gordon Chenevix-Trench in Lewes, Sussex, England; copywriter then creative director with an advertising agency; died in Watford, Hertfordshire. (Adding biographical detail for the author of four titles in CFIV.)

TRENT, DOYLE (L.). 1925-2014. A reporter but primarily known as a writer of westerns; born in Kansas City, Missouri; died in Colorado Springs, Colorado. (Adding death year and biographical detail for the author of “Tombstone Lode” in CFIV.)

TUCKER, JOHN BARTHOLOMEW. 1930-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of two novels in CFIV.)

TUCKER, (ARTHUR INGOLD) WILSON. Note: Biographical entries omit the “Ingold”. (Adding information for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

ULMER, MARI (WEDIN PRIVETTE). 1932-2013. (Adding the death year for the author of “Midnight at the Composanto,” a 2000 novel in CFIV.

URQUHART, (WILLIAM) MACGREGOR. Add pseudonym: Max Hart, q.v.

UTTS, THOMAS C. 1939-2013. Vietnam war veteran; died in Angeles City, Philippines. (Adding the death year for the author of “Korea Blue,” a 1991 novel in CFIV.)

VANDERCOOK, JOHN W(OMACK). Noted for 20+ years as a radio news commentator. (Adding biographical information for the author of four novels in CFIV.)

VAUGHAN-SAWYER, (GEORGE) H(ENRY). 1875-1914. Born in London; commissioned in the Indian army in 1895; died in action in Pas de Calais, France. (Adding an author, biographical information and a title not in CFIV.)
    -The Lizard. Mills, 1913 [Baluchistan]

VEILLER, BAYARD. (Adding detail about one of several titles by this author in CFIV.)
    The Trial of Mary Dugan. (For novelization, see Willaim Almon Wolff, 1885-1933.)

VENNER, NORMAN (JOSIAH BARTON). Born in Liverpool, England, and died of a self-inflicted shotgun injury in Hendon, Middlesex. (Adding details for the author of “The Imperfect Imposter,” a 1925 novel in CFIV.)

VILLIERS, DAVID HUGH. Born in Hertford, England; died after an explosion at a steelworks near Newport, Monmouthshire, where he had been filming. (Adding biographical details about the author of two titles in CFIV under the pseudonym David Buckingham.)

    The Daggers of Kali. (Add: by Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, 1890-1968, q.v.)

WALTHEW, KENNETH NICHOLAS. 1917-2010. (Adding the death year for the author of “Blind Drop” in CFIV under the pseudonym James Nicholas.)

WALTHEW, (KENNETH) NICHOLAS. 1917-2010. (Adding the death year for the author of “Murder at the ‘Black Swan’,” in CFIV.)

    -White Poppies. Angus, 1937 [Australia]

WARREN, CECIL. Delete entry (not the real name of Cecil Haworth/Cecil Raworth).

WARREN, G. MARTIN. Pseudonym: Richard Belmont, q.v. (Adding real name of the author of “Ced Detelle Fights Crime” in CFIV.)

WASS, ALBERT [ALBERT WASS DE CZEGE]. 1908-1998. A new entry, not in CFIV. Born in Valaszut, Hungary, in an old aristocratic family; prolific author of novels and short stories; lay protestant minister; came to the U.S. in 1951 and lived on a farm in Ohio; wrote radio scripts for broadcast into Hungary by Radio Free Europe; divorced and married an American woman in 1952; moved to Astor, Florida in 1952; managed the language laboratory at the University of Florida for 12 years; died in Astor, Florida.
    Deadly Fog at Deadman’s Landing. Danubian (Florida), 1979 [Florida] (Translation from the Hungarian.)

WASTENEYS, LADY. 1864-1931.  Born Julia Marianne Fardell in Lincolnshire, England; married William Wasteneys in 1875; he assumed the long extinct baronetcy of Wasteneyes in 1887; they traveled widely, and separated and sued each other repeatedly; she became a well-known philanthropist and convert to Buddhism; died in her home near Brighton, England..
    -Life’s Wreckage. Digby, Long, 1908 

WATSON, (JOHN) COLIN. 1920-1983. (Adding the first name and correcting the death year for the author of numerous titles in CFIV.)

    The Alleged Great Aunt. Correction: completed by the two women authors.

WEST, CHARLES G(RATIOT). (Adding the middle name and a title for the author in CFIV for “Wings of the Hawk,” a 2000 novel.)
    -The Tenant. Write Way, 1996 [Atlanta]

WEST, STANLEY GORDON. 1932-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of two titles in CFIV, as well as a TV adaption of one of them.)
    Amos. TV movie: CBS, 1985 (dir: Michael Tuchner)

WEST-WATSON, KEITH CAMPBELL WEST. Add: eventually returned to New Zealand, where he died. (Amending how the name should be shown, adding biographical detail, and giving information about the only title in CFIV by this author.
    Achmet and the Colonel. (Intended for younger readers.)

WHARTON, ALTHEA. 1919-2014. (Adding the death year for the author of “The White Ghost of Fenwick Hall” in CFIV.)
WHEELER-NICHOLSON, MALCOLM. See also: Robert Wallace (“The Daggers of Kali”).

WHELAN, PETER. 1931-2014. See also: Leslie Darbon, 1934-    . (Adding new entry, not in CFIV.)
    -The School of Night. Warner Chappell, 1992 (2-act play.)  [England, 1592]

WHITMAN, CHARLES (ARTHUR). Pseudonym: Nicholas Rich, q.v. (Adding the pseudonym under which three 1970s novels were listed in CFIV.)

WHITMEE, JEANNE (ELIZABETH ANN).  (Giving name more fully for the author of “Point of No Return in CFIV..)

WHITTLESEY, ELSIE LEIGH. ca.1843-   ? Native of Newburgh, New York. (Adding approximate birth year and birth place for the author of “The Hemlock Swamp, and A Season at the White Sulfur Springs,” an 1873 volume in CFIV.)

WIAT, PHILIPPA. Philippa Ferridge, 1923-2008. (Adding death year for the author, under the pseudonym, of two titles in CFIV.)
WICKHAM, A(NNIE) E(LIZABETH). ca.1863-1954. Born and died in Bideford, Devon, England; birth registered as Annie Major Wickham, with Major as her mother’s maiden name; prolific contributor to magazines, etc., in the 1890s. (Adding full name, dates, and biographical details for the author of the 1896 novel “-Fortune’s Fingers” in CFIV.)

WILCOX, PERCIVAL GEORGE ALBERT. 1909-    . Birth name of author of numerous titles in CFIV under his pseudonym, Mark Derby, q.v.)

WILLARDS, E(RNST) S(EYMOUR) WILLARDS. Jan De Koning, 1926(?)-1994(?). (Adding possible dates for the author of “My Mother Was Hanged,” a 1958 novel in translation in CFIV under this pseudonym.)

WILLIAMS, E. P. 1929-    . Pseudonym: Richard Hope, q.v.

WILLIAMS, EDWIN ALFRED. Born in Cairo, Egypt, in 1910; educated at Cambridge in England; lecturer in physiology at Witwatersrand University, South Africa, 1957-1970; at some point adopted his pseudonymous last name and became Edwin Alfred De Caire. (Adding biographical details for the author in CFIV under the pseudonyms Edwin De Caire and Edwin Moodie.)

WILMETTI, JOE R.   Kathleen (Mary) Maruschack, 1939-2013.

    The Law and the McLaughlins. Doubleday, 1936; Cassell, 1936 [1868]

WILSON, ALEXANDER (DOUGLAS CHESNEY). Add pseudonym: Michael Chesney, q.v.

WILSON, GREGORY. Add pseudonym: Michael Chesney, q.v.

WILSON, RUTH and ALEXANDER. (Adding the setting for the only title by these authors in CFIV.)
    The Town Is Full of Rumors. [Philadelphia]
    The Devil Rides High. Correct publisher from Collins to: Cassell

WINTERTON, FRANCIS DERYCK. Born in Leicester, England; died in Kent; a journalist, principally for the “Daily Herald”, known as Deryck Winterton. (Adding biographical detail for the author of “Death on a Back Bench” in CFIV under the pseudonym Francis Hobson.)

WISE, ARDATH (IRENE). 1920-2014. Born in Mogadore, Ohio, and lived there most of her life; painter, poet, musician; died in Akron, Ohio.  (Adding death year and biographical detail for the author of three titles in CFIV.)

WISE, LEONARD. (Adding a new title, republication title and film version for an author in CFIV for “Center Street”.)
    The Diggstown Ringers. Doubleday, 1978. Also published as: Diggstown. St. Martin’s pb, 1992. Film: MGM, 1992, as Diggstown (scw: Steven McKay; dir: Michael Ritchie)

WISEMAN, RICHARD. (Richard) Nicholas Bartlett, 1933-2008. Adding first name and correcting birth year for the author of two novels in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

WOLFF, WILLIAM ALMON. (Adding a detail for one of three titles by this author in CFIV.)
    The Trial of Mary Dugan. (Novelization of the play by Bayard Veiller, 1869-1943, q.v.)
WOODS, KATHERINE (IRVIN). Born Mary Katherine Woods in Merchantville, New Jersey; adopted the name Katherine Irvin Woods later; died in New York. (Correcting the birth place and adding biographical details for the author of “Murder in a Walled Town,” a 1934 novel in CFIV.)

WOODWARD, W(ILLIAM) E(DWARD). (Adding middle name.)

WRIGHT, DERRICK (JOHN). 1912-2000. (Correction.)

WRIGHT, ED(WARD) E(VERETT). 1859-1944. Author, poet, and lawyer who practiced in Iowa from 1883; born in Harrisville, Ohio; died in Brooklyn, New York.

WRIGHT, MARY. ca.1891- ?. Pseudonym: Mary Cartwright, q.v. (Adding real name and approximate birth year for the author of “The Dark House” in CFIV under the pseudonym.)

WRIGHT, LAURIE ROBESON. 1934-2006. Born in Alameda, California; died in Asheville, North Carolina.

WRIGHT, NOEL. Born in Whitby, England; died in South East Hampshire; joined the Royal Navy in 1908, ending as Rear-Admiral. (Adding biographical details for the author of four 1920s novels in CFIV under the pseudonym Nigel Worth.)

WUORIO, EVA-LIS (MARIA). 1918-1988. (Adding the death year for the author of three novels in CFIV.)

YOUNG, GORDON (RAYMOND). (Giving his middle name fully.)

YOUNGER, WILLIAM ANTHONY. (Correcting spelling of middle name for the author of several titles in CFIV under the pseudonym William Mole.)

ZELNO, MELITTA. Countess Ina d’Audiffret, 1880(?)-   . Changing possible birth date for author of play “C.I.D.” in CFIV.)

ZIAKIN, BETTE (BRODHAGEN). 1930-2014. Born in Camas, Washington, and died in Vancouver, Washington; professional artist, poet and author. (Adding death year and biographical detail for the author of “The Stranger’s Aching Heart” in CFIV.)

ZUKOWSKI, SHARON. 1954-2015. (Adding the death year for the author of six novels in CFIV.)


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